


❃ 英文單字一字多義分析7 




1. interpret

a. 口譯

Working in a foreign country makes him know a good deal about how to interpret. 



b. 解讀、解析

In the animal kingdom, flamboyant colors are interpreted as signs of danger. 



2. inundate

a. 氾濫、淹沒

What often followed an inundation were contagions and crop shortages. 



b. 使盈滿、湧至

When I read her letter, inundated with delight was my mind that used to be gnawed at by nostalgia. 



3. issue

a. 議題、論點

Research in human cloning is always an issue of controversy. 



b. 發行、出版

Every year, the company would issue a notice reminding the employees of the merry arrival of Christmas. 



c. 發出、冒出、散發

Seen from afar, the forest looks like a giant raven, wrapping our sight with its night-colored, endless wings and issuing an eerie atmosphere. 



4. knit 

a. 編織

Within hours, her nimble fingers already knit rolls of unimpressive threads into a refined, lively-patterned sweater. 



b. 使緊密交織、結合

This is a country knit tight by a common belief, not by a common skin color. 



5. launch

a. 發射

When the former USSR launched Spunik, the first man-made satellite, into the space, it shocked the world and deepened the Cold War. 



b. 開始、發動

The Great Britain Library is about to launch a one-adopt-a-book program. 


  1. ferment 刺激;激發

Writers often read works from provinces other than literature in search for inspiration. Sometimes a passage from sociology or a scientific experiment will add ferment to their imagination. 


  1. flare up 忽然爆發;增加

After the meeting, the fear of being laid off was flaring up. 


It is not rare to see conflict between people flare up when elections are nearing. 


  1. flood 淹沒;充滿;湧上心頭

Congratulating words flooded into his office when people learned he was promoted. 


A wave of refreshing delight flooded me. 


  1. fluid 易變的

The stock market is so fluid that it can make one a prince or a pauper in a blink. 


  1. fog 矇蔽;籠罩

It is hard to deny that our minds are sometimes fogged by prejudice. 


Uncertainty has seemed to fog the company’s future. 
