- 收到美國學校錄取通知
- 回復就學意願,並向學校申請I-20表格,收到I-20表格
- 線上填寫DS-160表格
- 繳交簽證費(費用為$160),並預約面試
- 線上繳交SEVIS Fee
- 前往AIT美國在台協會面試
- 面試通過
- 等待一周後即可領到簽證
- 護照 (有效期六個月以上,若護照會在就學期間過期,建議直接換發)
- 自己住家的英文地址
- 過去就讀的學校英文名稱、電話、地址、就讀期間
- 學校寄發的I-20表格(需填寫SEVIS ID)
- 符合美國簽證規格證件照電子檔
- 聯絡人資訊
- 若護照姓名拼音含有 “-”符號,以空格符號代替。
- 請務必檢查所有資料以正確填寫再送出DS-160。
- 一定要先繳交簽證費用才能預約面試。
- 填寫送出後會收到confirmation page,之後面試會用到,要先將這張表格列印下來。
- Which School are you going?
- Are you studying for Bachelor degree?
- What are you studying
- Is this your first master?
- Who’s going to pay for it?
- Have you ever been abroad before?
- Why do you choose to study in the U.S?
- What will you do after graduation?
- How much do you know about the University
- What will you study in this major?
- When did you take the TOFEL/GRE test?
- What score did you get among TOEFL/GRE test?
- Whats’s your GPA?
- Who wrote recommendation letters for you?
- How many universities did you apply in total?
- Have you ever been refused a Visa Request?
- Do you have any relatives in the United states?