課程特色 :
▶ 超強師資陣容幫助同學快速找出英文學習盲點
▶ 高頻率單字考前整理,考試沒有沒背過的字
▶ 最清晰修辭觀念剖析,不用再擔心文法卡關
▶ 完美強化邏輯、推理概念,任何邏輯、圖表題都能一眼破解分析
▶ 全方位數學解題,數學障礙者也能輕鬆掌握技巧
▶ 最精準考前猜題,考古機經神預測
▶ 授課名師親自作文批改,快速提升寫作能力
▶ 高效解題技巧搭配實力提升課程,最充實課量安排
✔ 字彙:高頻率核心字彙整理,高效率擴充字彙量
✔ 修辭:必考句型點題,核心文法修辭整理,輕鬆突破文法盲點
✔ 閱讀:確實了解文章結構,整合邏輯式分析,快速定位出答案
✔ 邏輯:培養獨立分析判斷及推理的核心解題能力,一眼看出考點
✔ 必考題[圖表/表格分析,二段式分析、多源推理]獨家技巧整理
✔ 全面性題型整理,邏輯推理、解題技巧一應俱全
✔ 整體提升多資訊整合評估能力,將精華完整應用至寫作
✔ 考前重點分析,目標力求百分百達成率
✔ 最強考題觀念分類整理,不論難題、陷阱題都能輕鬆一一破除,目標就是滿分
✔ 必考題型:Data Sufficiency及Problem Solving精華重點整理
✔ 不怕數學有障礙,快速複習國、高中數學,解題技巧快速又正確
✔ 數學單字包整理,不用擔心題目理解錯誤,一手掌握所有數學詞,輕鬆理解題意
✔ 全方位高效能字彙補充,下筆不再擔心詞窮
✔ 經典題庫主題練習,各種主題都能輕鬆流暢下筆
✔ 邏輯思維及架構建立,突顯文章思辨能力,完成更具深度的文章
✔ 授課名師親自作文批改及指導,錯誤用法及時糾正,快速提升寫作能力
1. Twenty-two feet long and 10 feet in diameter, the AM-1 is the one of the many newsatellites that is a part of 15 years effort of subjecting the interaction of Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces to detailed scrutiny from space.
(A) satellites that is a part of 15 years effort of subjecting the interaction of Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces
(B) satellites, which is a part of a 15-year effort to subject how Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces interact
(C) satellites, part of 15 years effort of subjecting how Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces interacting
(D) satellites that are part of an effort for 15 years that has subjected the interactions of Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces
(E) satellites that are part of a 15-year effort to subject the interaction of Earth’s atmosphere, ocean, and land surfaces
(1) 題目關鍵字one of the + 複數名詞+關代複數Verb,所以(A)(B)為錯誤答案,應將 (A)that is改為are、(B) which is改為are
(2) 單字用法effort to+原V(不定詞當形容詞),所以(A)(C)(D)為錯誤答案
(3) (C) 15 years effort應改為15-year effort,才符合用字精確
(4) (D)句法複雜
(5) (E)為正確答案,句法正確簡單、用字精確
*be subjected to 屈服、順從、暴露(be exposed to)
*Diametrically全然地=sheer/ starkly/ utterly/thoroughly
2. Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Paseo del Rio, is the city’s most popular attraction.
(A) Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio
(B) Unlike the river in many cities in the United States, which is no longer the focal point of urban life, in San Antonio the river
(C) Today the river in many cities in the United States is no longer the focal point of urban life, unlike San Antonio, where it
(D) In few United States cities today, a river is the focal point of urban life, but the river in San Antonio
(E) No longer do many cities in the United States have a river as the focal point of urban life, but in San Antonio the river
(1) 關鍵字Like/ unlike+ N~,SVO考同類比較,所以(A)錯誤選項,因為cities無法與the river比較
(2) (B) in San Antonio the river應改為the riverin San Antonio,因為比較對象前無法有限定修飾
(3) (C) 錯誤選項,因為the river無法與San Antonio比較
(4) (D) but為對等連接詞,此句語意不對
(5) (E) 為正確答案,No longer否定字放句首要倒裝
*wind (v.)蜿蜒
*winding=meandering=tortuous= sinuous=devious= circuitous(a.)蜿蜒的
3.So dogged were Frances Perkin’s investigations of the garment industry, and her lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent, Alfred E. Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt recruited Perkins to work within the government , rather than as social worker.
(A)and her lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent,
(B)and lobbying for wage and hour reform was persistent, so that
(C)her lobbying for wage and hour reform persistent, that
(D)lobbying for wage and hour reform was so persistent,
(E)and so persistent her lobbying for wage and hour reform, that
(1) So dogged were +人/ So+adv.(adj.) +V+S倒裝
(2) 關鍵字為so adj that與平行結構and,所以(A)錯誤,因缺少so…that ,
(3) (B) 錯誤,無so and …so that 句型
(4) (C) 錯誤,因缺少平行結構
(5) (D) 錯誤,因缺少so…that與平行概念
(6) (E) 為正確答案
*Dogged(a.)固執的=obstinate=obdurate=stubborn=tenacious=pertinacious =headstrong=unyielding=intractable
*Garment(n.)服裝=garb=attire= apparel
1. Introduction
(1) Present Argument
(2) Present Assumptions / opinion against the argument
2. Main Body
Extend assumptions by reasoning and providing evidence or counter examples to refute the argument.
3. Conclusion
Provide a summary of your analysis of the argument.
(Stay objective, you’re not asked to give personal views on the argument)
戴爾美語身經百戰的台、美、中名師教學團隊,學經歷俱優,尤其親赴考場實戰掌握各項測驗命題趨勢,取得最新、最即時的全真試題。同時,更創下全國最高分紀錄:劉老師3次iBT托福120滿分紀錄、Rita胡老師取得CBT電腦托福300滿分紀錄、Tommy余老師取得iBT托福118分、Len老師13次多益990滿分、以及外籍托福及雅思口試官滿分名師Max老師…等數十位名師教學團隊,實力陣容堅強。近期戴爾美語更是獨家取得美國測驗官方資源符合CEFR的AI智能化聽、說、讀、寫、字彙、文法、即時寫作批改、隨時練習口說等結合尖端技術與豐富學習內容的高效能AI DELTA英語學習平台。再加上創新開發功能強大的APP學習歷程與管理系統,即時拉近老師、學員、以及公司的距離,讓學習更有效率。凡是加入戴爾美語,我們不僅快速帶領學員達成理想考試高分成績,更教你熟練運用英文聽、說、讀、寫能力於日常生活、職場就業、甚至於海外求學。