




1. 同義進義詞轉換
例如於整合寫作(Integrated Writing) 時, writer / author / lecturer / professor 表達觀點時避免僅用 say, think , believe, 此時我們可用claim / argue / assert / declare / contend / maintain / hold / consider / deem / affirm / insist / take the view 等。
或欲表達近來之時間狀況用nowadays, 亦可寫成recently / currently / at present / in recent years / these days / lately 等。
此外若表示important, 則可利用 critical / crucial / vital / pivotal / momentous / monumental / significant / essential 等與之互換。

2. 詞彙詞性轉換
n. → adj.
interesting  = be of interest
important = be of importance
v. → n.before the civil war broke out = prior to the outbreak of the civil war
adj. → n.plentiful natural resources = plenty of natural resources

3. 轉承語 (transition words) 之轉換
承接詞不僅連接句子與句子,亦可連接段落與段落。 運用其同義之轉承語詞, 有助於寫作更加突出非凡。
however → while / whereas / still / yet / nevertheless / nonetheless
because of → due to / owing to / thanks to / on account of / since / because / as / for
so → therefore / hence / thus / as a result / as a consequence / consequently / accordingly

4. 形容詞之逆向表達 
e.g. :  
not as easy as… → more difficult than…
not uncommon → common
the cheapest  → the least expensive

5. 句型結構多樣性 (syntactic variety)
托福寫作評分標準中多元多樣之句型結構是極為重要的評分要求, 因此務必力求句型結構豐富多變。

(1) It …. 
It is argued / expected / believed / believed that ……
It is apparent / obvious / striking that …..
It is undeniable that …..

(2) 倒裝句
(a) So + adj. / adv. + V + S … that …….
(b) Were + S ….., S + would / should / could / might ……
(c) Should + S + V , S + would / should / could / might ……
(d) Had + S + P.P., S + would / should / could / might + have +P.P.
(e) Only when …….. + V + S
(f) Only ……. + V + S