





➤ Answering the phone 接電話
Thank you for calling __公司名__. 謝謝您來電XX公司。
__自己名字_speaking. How can I help you? 我是XX,有什麼需要為您服務的嗎?
Peter. It's Ryan calling. Peter, 我是Ryan。
Hello, this is Garret Huang calling. 你好, 我是Garret Huang。
Hi, it's CherryLiangfrom the municipal hospital. 你好, 我是市立醫院的Cheery Liang。

➤ Asking to speak with someone 說明要找的人
Is Caroline in? Caroline 在嗎?
Is Mr. Chen there, please? 陳先生在嗎?
May I speak with Mr. Green, please? 我要找格林先生。
Is the manager available? 經理現在有空嗎?

➤ Connecting someone 幫忙轉接
Just a sec. I'll get her. 請稍候,我請她接電話。
Hang on one second. 請先不要掛斷。
One moment please. 請稍待。
Please hold and I'll put you through to her office. 請稍候,我幫您轉接到她辦公室。

➤ Making special requests 特別要求
Could you please repeat that? 可以請您再說一次嗎?
Would you mind spelling that for me? (這個字)怎麼拼呢?
Could you speak up a little please? 您可以稍微大聲一點嗎?
Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection. 你可以再打一次嗎? 收訊好像不是很好。
Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call. 您可以先稍待嗎? 我有另一通電話要接。

➤ Finishing a conversation 結束對談
I have another call coming through. I’d better run. 我有另一通電話進來,我先接一下。
I have to let you go now. 不耽誤您的時間了。
I'll talk to you again soon. Bye. 我們再聊囉,掰掰。
Talk to you soon. 有空再聊。
Thanks for calling. Bye for now. 謝謝您來電,先這樣囉。
Well, I guess I’d better get going. 我想我不能再聊了。