





1. 尊稱對方姓名
• May I have your name please? 請問您的大名是?
• May I ask who is calling, please? 請問哪位?
• Sorry, I did not catch your name. Could you repeat that, please? 抱歉,我沒聽到您的名字。你再說一遍,好嗎?

2. 充分了解問題
• Can you tell me exactly what happened? 可以告訴我確切的情況嗎?

3. 詢問其他細節
• When was the order supposed to arrive? 這批貨原本應該什麼時候到達?
• Can you give me your order number, please? 您能給我您的訂單號碼嗎?

4. 誠摯表達歉意
• I am sorry to hear that. 我很遺憾聽這件事。
• I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. 對於這件事帶來的任何不便,我深表歉意。
• Please accept my apology. 請接受我的道歉。
• It was our fault. 這是我們的錯。

5. 告知處理方式
• I just checked with the delivery unit. 我剛剛查了送貨單位。
• There has been an error in the process. 過程中有錯誤。
• Your order has been shipped. 您的訂單已發貨。
• It may require a longer processing time. 可能需要更長的處理時間。
• May I transfer you to the manager? 我可以將您的電話轉給經理嗎?
• I’m afraid that refunds and returns are not permitted. 恐怕不允許退款和退貨。
• I’m sorry, but it says on our website that you MUST return goods within 10 days of purchase. 抱歉,我們的網站上說您必須在購買後的10天內退貨。

6. 給予祝福或感謝
• Thank you for calling. 感謝的來電。
• We assure you that this will not happen again. 我們向您保證,這種情況不會再次發生。