





beV liable for + N. (法律上)有義務的
If we lose the case, we will be liable for the costs of the wholetrial.

beV liable to + V. / N. 易患⋯的;易⋯的;可能的
The areas of town near the river are liable to flooding.

beV liable to + N. 應受罰的;應服從的;應付稅的
Failure to comply with any of those provisions will render building workers liable to imprisonment.
Anyone found smoking in the train is liable to a maximum fine of NT$1,500.

The company was held ------ for encroachment of copy rights.
(A) eligible
(B) liable
(C) liaison
(D) legitimate

Electronic emissions are ________ of causing damage to the health of young children and older adults.
(A) liable
(B) potential
(C) capable
(D) possible

The management would like members to note that the Dell Fitness Center is not ------ for any items left in the coin lockers.
(A) proper
(B) owing
(C) liable
(D) capable


The company was held ------ for encroachment of copyright law.
(A) eligible (adj.) 有資格的 + for N. / V.
(B) liable (adj.) 有責任的
(C) liaison (n.) 聯繫人
(D) legitimate (adj.) 合法的

Electronic emissions are ________ of causing damage to the health of young children and older adults.
(A) liable (adj.) 有責任的
(B) potential (adj.) 有潛力的;潛在的
(C) capable (adj.) 可以的;有能力的 + of N. / to V
(D) possible (adj.) 可能的 + to V

The management would like members to note that the Dell Fitness Center is not ------ for any items left in the coin lockers.
(A) proper (adj.) 適當的
(B) owing (adj.) 未付的;欠的(owing to + N. 由於)
(C) liable (adj.) 有責任的
(D) capable (adj.) 可以的;有能力的 + of N. / to V