




Speaking Part 1
Q: What type of technology do you use in your home?
A: We have a number of labour-saving devices including state-of-the-art technology in our kitchen. These appliances include an induction stove, a dishwasher, and an Internet-enabled refrigerator. All are connected through the Internet of Things so we can remotely control them

Q: Are you comfortable using modern technology?
A: You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to use technology today. It’s all about booting up, logging in and then clicking on the icon that will take you to your favourite application. On the single occasion that my computer crashed, I called someone in to re-install the programs.

Q: How do you keep your computer and data secure?
A: I always shut down the computer at night. I backup my filesto a hard drive and I always keep hard copies of important documents. I am very careful with my privacy settings, especially in wireless hotspots.

Speaking Part 2
Q: Describe an item of modern technology that is most important to you?
A: My laptop is the most important digital appliance in my home. I have had a laptop for years, but I have recently upgraded my computer. I am computer literate. I study from home and I need Internet access to do my research. Advances in technologyhave also made it possible for me to work from home. I surf the web in search of freelance opportunities. In my leisure time, I download books and music from the Internet. I pay for these via Electronic Funds Transfer. I do not condone online piracy, as I value the arts and believe that the authors and songwriters should be rewarded for their work. I use social media networks to keep up with my friends and family across the globe and I also shop online from time to time.

Speaking Part 3
Q: Do you think that there are any disadvantages to modern technology?
A: I think that there are several disadvantages. Security can be a problem with people hacking into the Internet. Also, modern technology tends to become rapidly obsolete so we become more and more a throwaway society. People are also losing physical contact with one another as they become glued to their screens.

Q: In what ways do you think people will benefit from technologies in the future?
A: Emerging technology has the capacity to change our lives in so many ways. Robots and artificial intelligence are both reducing the amount of tedious work required in a wide range of industries and professions. We can now also get expert advice from across the globe using an Internet connection.

Q: In your opinion what are the basic computer skills that every person should have today?
A: All the information we require is available on the Internet, so everyone should be able to boot up a computer, log in and know how to use a search engine. Everyone should have access to the Internet so that they can surf the web.

Vocabulary list
1. labor-saving adj. 節省勞力的
2. state-of-the-art adj. 最先進的
3. Internet-enabled adj. 以網路為基礎的,透過網路的
4. Internet of Things n.phr.物聯網
5. rocket scientist n.phr. (能勝任高難度工作)專家
6. boot up v.phr.啟動
7. log in v.phr. 登入
8. crash v. 電腦當機
9. hard drive n.phr. 硬碟
10. hard copy n.phr. 紙本
11. computer literate adj. 有電腦使用能力的
12. Internet access n.phr. 上網
13. advances in technology n.phr. 科技的進步
14. Electronic Funds Transfern.phr. 電子金融轉帳
15. social media networks n.phr. 社群網路
16. become rapidly obsolete v.phr. 很快就變得過時了
17. throwaway adj. 用完即丟的
18. glued to their screensadj.phr. 離不開數位裝置的
19. emerging technology n.phr. 新興科技
20. artificial intelligencen.phr. 人工智慧