
Spring Cleaning 大掃除


❃ Spring Cleaning 大掃除 


通常在農曆新年前 (Lunar New Year),台灣人會進行大掃除,而英國則是做 spring cleaning,時間大約落在三月與四月間。經過日照短、既冷又令人沮喪的冬天後,多數人在春天都感到比較愉快,也會開始為較暖的天氣做準備。大掃除就成為了其中一項許多英國人(或者媒體提醒大家)做的活動。


What Is Spring Cleaning? – The Definition

The definition of spring cleaning stands for a thorough domestic cleaning of your entire home – room by room and top to bottom. A thorough cleanup includes areas you do not clean on a regular basis, such as cleaning beneath carpets and furnishing, on top of bookshelves and etc.  To spring clean means to clean up dirt from your ceiling all the way to your floor. It is indeed a broad definition – wiping and dusting off every surface and furnishing unit, decluttering and throwing away what you don’t need.


基本上, spring cleaning  就是把平常不會去整理的地方,做個全面性的清理,像是櫃子上方、地毯底下、還有所有的傢俱,把家裡從天花板到地板,做個全面的清理,甚至是處理掉不需要的物品。


近幾年開始流行 declutter (清除雜物) & minimalism (極簡主義) ,大家開始重視居家環境不該一直存放著不需要的物品,spring cleaning 就是個清除雜物的好時機。


spring cleaning 也是個用來檢視自己是否為囤積者 (hoarder)的好時機。有些人喜歡囤積 (hoard) 物品,即使是無用的東西,也不願意捨棄或捐贈。而嚴重的囤積症(hoarding disorder),已被列為一種精神疾病。


想要再多了解 spring cleaning,可以參考下列網站,與其中 BBC Radio 2 的一小段訪談: http://www.springcleaningweek.com