(檔案、報告)被包含在附件中~(the file、the report)is included in the attachment.
……已經收到了~….has been received.
而且/還有附件是~Also attached is +名詞片語
在附件裡你可以找到…~Attached you will find +名詞片語
給你的資訊/資料/訊息,…..~For your information,….
我附加……(在信件中)~I attach +名詞片語(in the email.)
我已經知道了/被告知了(某事)~I have been informed that +子句
只是要告知你(開會日期)~Just to inform you of (the date for the meeting.)
只是要告知你(某事)~Just to inform you that + 子句
只是要讓你知道(某事)~Just to let you know that + 子句
請知悉(某事)~ Please be informed that + 子句
請知悉(被通知)(某事)~Please ? be notified that + 子句
請找到附件中的~Please find the attached +名詞片語
請注意某事~Please note that + 子句
謝謝你的…..,我今天/昨天收到了~Thank you for (sending me the candies)which I received today/yesterday.
我們已經被要求做(某事)~We have been asked to +動詞片語
我們剛(做某事)~We have just P.P.
我們已經收到..~We have received +名詞片語
你可以安排…嗎?~Can you manage + 名詞片語?
(做某事)…...What/How about +Ving….?
(某事)…...如何?~What/How about +名詞片語….?
咱們(做某事)…~Let’s +動詞……
(某事)對你而言OK嗎?~Would ….be Ok for you?
…..對我是好的/OK~……is good/OK for me.
那將會很好~That would be fine./That is fine.
我會打一通電話給你~I’ll give you a ring.
我會寫信給您~I’ll drop you a line.
我會通知/聯絡你~I’ll be in touch.(with you)
到時見~I’ll see you then.
我會儘快回覆你~I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
尋找問題原因(find the cause of the problem)
….檢查/確認一下(某物)…~….check + 名詞片語
….檢查/確認一下(某事)…~….check that + 名詞子句
…你也許忘了做….~You might forget to 動詞片語…
….可能(不)是~…may (not) be….
….或許(不)是~…might (not) be….
….可能是…..~….could be…
你嘗試過…了嗎?~Have you tried Ving….?
你記得要做….嗎?~Have you remembered to ….?