
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析8


❃ 精選寫作用字 (字源解析 -- tract, miss, mit) 


精選寫作用字 (字源解析) 


1. tract = draw, 表示“拉,拖”

tract  n 一片土地,地帶(拉長的一片地)

A vast tract of land is ready for development.


tractor  n (農耕)拖拉機,曳引機(tract+or→拉的東西→農耕機)

The tractor churned up the soil.


tractable  a 易管教的,溫馴的,易控制的(tract+able→能拉回來→易管教的)

intractable  a 難駕馭的,難控制的

The economy is plagued with intractable problems.


abstract  a 抽象的(abs離開+tract→脫離現實→抽象的)

Painters translate abstract ideas into visual images with their brushes.

attract  v 吸引(at加強語氣+tract→不斷拉→吸引)/ attraction  n  /  attractive  a 

The flashy billboard attracted the attention of all passers-by.

contract  n 契約 v 收縮,感染,訂契約(con一起+tract→一起拉回去→收縮) 

contraction  n 收縮,感染(疾病)

Both parties agreed to sign the contract.

Metals contract in cold weather.

detract  v 降低,貶損(de壞+tract→拉壞→降低) /  detraction  n

This rumor does not detract from his well-established reputation.

extract  v 拔出,萃取,摘錄(ex出+tract→拉出來→拔出) /  extraction  n

This article is extracted from his new book.

protract  v 延長,拖延(pro向前+tract向前拉→延長) /  protraction  n

The war was protracted for five years.


distract  v 使分心(dis分開+tract→思想被拉開→分心)

distracted  a 心煩意亂的

Noise distracts me from my work.

retract  v 縮回,撤回(re 向後+tract→向後拉→縮回) /  retraction  n

He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement.

subtract  v 減去,扣掉(sub下+tract→拉下去→減去)

The profit is calculated by subtracting total spending from total receipts.


2. miss, mit = send, cast, 表示“送,放出”


mission  n 任務(miss+ion→送出執行使命→任務)

The CEO's mission was to boost staff morale and productivity.

missionary  a 傳道的 n 傳教士(mission+ary→送出執行傳教任務→傳教士)

Sean carries a missionary zeal for work.


emissary  n 使者,密使(e出+miss+ary 人→送出去的人→使者)

Japan is sending two emissaries to Washington to discuss trade issues.

dismiss  v 解散,解雇(dis離開+miss→送離開→解散)

The class will be dismissed early today.

Employees will be dismissed for frequent absenteeism.


emit  v 發光,發出(氣味等)(e出+mit→送出氣味等)/  emission  n

Fireflies emit light but not heat.

Greenhouse gas emissions are the main culprits for global warming.

remit  v 匯款(re再+mit→〔把錢〕再送出去→匯款) /  remittance  n

Please remit the payment by check.


omit  v 省略(o出+mit→送出→省略) /  omission  n 

The omission of her name was not a deliberate act.


permit  v 許可,允許  n 許可證,通行證(per始終+mit→始終可放出→許可)

permission  n 許可,允許

We'll have a picnic at the beach, weather permitting.

I beg your permission to speak my heart to you, but not just yet.  Do you understand?

permissive  a 寬容的,放任的(per+miss+ive)

This misbehaving child has been pampered by his permissive parents.


submit  v 屈服於,提出(sub下面+mit→跪送下去→屈服) /  submission  n

The minority should submit to the majority.

All applications must be submitted by Monday.

submissive  a 服從的(sub+miss+ive)

The terrorists submissively laid down their weapons.


transmit  v 寄送,傳達(trans穿越+mit→穿越距離送過去→傳達)

transmission  n  /  transmitter  n 傳送器

The roots transmit moisture and nutrient to the trunk and branches.

premise  n 前提(pre 預先+mise→預先送出→前提)

Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall.


premises  n 建築物,資產

Smoking is strictly forbidden on school premises.

promise  n v答應,保證(pro前面+mise→在事前送出的話→保證)

It is one thing to promise and another to perform.

demise  n 死亡(de離開+mise→送離開→死亡)

The company's sudden demise came like a thunderbolt on the industry.

admit  v 承認,容許,許可入學(ad+mit→送來→許可進去) /  admission  n  

These are iron facts that admit no other interpretation.


commit  v 委託,投注於,承諾,犯(罪)(com一起+mit→一起送→委任)

The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs.

Brady committed a series of brutal murders.

commission  n 委員會,委任,佣金 v委任(com一起+miss+ion→一起送選出的人) 

committee  n 委員會(commit+t+ee人→受委託的人→委員會)                                                             

subcommittee  n 小組委員會(sub在下面+committee)

The commission's report was music to the ears of the government.

intermit  v 間斷(inter 在中間+mit→在中間送東西→打斷,間斷) /  intermission n

intermittent  a 間歇的(intermit+t+ent)

The weather forecast is for sun, with intermittent showers.