精選寫作用字 (字源解析)
1. pel, puls = drive, push, 表示“驅動,推”
拉丁文pellere, pulsus
compel v 強迫(com一起+pel推→一起推→強迫) / compulsion n
The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.
compulsory a 強制性的(com+puls+ory)
Military service is compulsory in many countries.
compelling a 強制性的,令人信服的,引人注目的(compel+l+ing)
The court was presented with compelling evidence that he'd murdered his neighbor.
expel v 開除,驅逐(ex出+pel→推出→開除) / expulsion n
He was expelled from his native country.
impel v 驅使,推進(im內+pel→由內推展→驅使)
The lack of democracy and equality impelled the oppressed to fight for freedom.
dispel v 驅散(煙霧等)(dis分開+pel→推開→驅散)
His cheerful laughter dispelled her worries.
propel v 推進(pro 向前+pel→向前推→推進) / propulsion n
propeller n 推進器,螺旋槳
The film propelled her to stardom overnight.
repel v 擊退(敵人),使…反感(re反+pel→推回去→擊退)
Particles with similar electric charges repel each other.
repulse n v 打退,擊退(re 反+pulse)
Government troops repulsed an attack by rebel forces.
repulsive a 排斥的,令人厭惡的
His brutal behavior was repulsive.
pulse n 脈搏
His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak.
pulsate v(脈)搏動(puls脈搏+ate)
The whole city seemed to pulsate with excitement.
impulse n 衝動,刺激(im內+pulse→由內推展→衝動)
He felt an irresistible impulse to cry out at the sight.
impulsive a 衝動的(impulse+ive)
In a burst of impulsive generosity, I offered to pay.
2. ject = throw, cast, 表示“投擲,扔,丟”
abject a 可憐的,悲慘的(ab向下+ject+→被人向下扔→悲慘的)
With great efforts, people in abject poverty can still go from rags to riches.
deject v 使沮喪(de向下+ject→情緒向下扔→沮喪)
dejected a 情緒低落的
Peter was dejected, his confidence in tatters.
eject v 噴出,退出(e出+ject→扔出) / ejection n
The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.
inject v 注射(in進+ject→扔進去→注射)
The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles.
reject v 拒絕,駁回(re回+ject→扔回來→拒絕) / rejection n
It was feared his body was rejecting a kidney he received in a transplant four years ago.
project v 投射 n 計劃(pro向前+ject→向前扔→投射) / projection n
I hope the team will project a smart, professional image .
subject n 主題 a 易遭受到(+to N)(sub在…下面+ject→扔下去討論→主題)
This contentious subject has aroused a heated debate among the public.
The prices are subject to change.
subjective a 主觀的 / subjectivity n 主觀性
The grading for speaking and writing tests can be highly subjective.
object n 物體 v 反對(ob反+ject→反著扔→反對)
objection n 反對(object 反對+ion)
The main objection to the hereditary principle is that such peers are not elected.
objective a 客觀的 n目標
A case should be judged with objective evidence.
The main objective of this campaign was to enhance the public awareness about
environmental conservation.
conjecture n v推測,猜想(con一起+ject+ure→大家一起丟出想法→推測)
There has been some conjecture about a possible merger.
trajectory n 彈道,軌道(tra穿過+ject+ory→扔進去→彈道)
The missile deflected from its trajectory.
3. lev, live = raise, lighten, 表示“提升,舉起,變輕”
elevate v 舉起,升高(e出+lev+ate→舉出→升高)
elevator n 電梯,升降機(elevate+or)
Technological advances have greatly elevated our living standards.
relieve v 減輕,解除(re再+lieve→一再變輕→減輕) / relief n
Mother Teresa devoted her whole life to relieving the distressed.
alleviate v 減輕,緩和(al一再+levi+ate→不斷變輕→減輕)
A cold compress often alleviates pain.
relevant a 相關的,切題的(re再+lev+ant→值得一再提起→相關的)
irrelevant a 不相關的,不切題的(ir不+relevant)
Relevant documents were presented in court.
lever n 槓杆,手段(lev+er→舉起重物的東西→槓杆)
leverage n 槓杆作用,影響力(lever+age 狀態,作用)
Rich countries use foreign aid as a lever to achieve political aims.
levity n 輕浮(lev+ity)
Words of levity are unseemly on this formal occasion.
levy n v 課稅(lev+y→提升收入→課稅)
A direct food tax was levied by the local government.