


❃ 英文單字一字多義分析12 




1. overwhelm

a. 淹沒

Many scientists estimate that dozens of South Pacific countries will be overwhelmed in seawater before 2050. 



b. (情感)如洪水般襲來、深受感動

When seeing his wife again in an exotic land, he was overwhelmed by appreciation and joy. 



2. outweigh

a. 重量較…重

Although an elephant greatly outweighs an ant, this tiny insect is actually better at lifting heavy objects. 



b. 遠勝於

In many sports, the importance of teamwork outweighs that of individual honor. 



3. parallel

a. 平行的

With geometrical precision, the river runs parallel to the marble-cast palace. 



b. 相似、匹敵、對等之人或物

A cobra’s fangs are a parallel to a soldier’s gun, or a chef’s tongue. 



4. paralyze

a. 使癱瘓

The hornet achieves a kill by paralyzing its prey with a sting. 



b. 使停擺、停止運作

If the snow storm shows no signs of easing, the whole city will be paralyzed in days. 



5. peak 

a. 頂峰

At the peak of this mountain sits a lodge providing temporary shelter and relief. 



b. 達到高點、創新高

His power and popularity reached the peak in his first presidency. 



6. heighten 提高,增強

As the share prices again hit new highs, investors should at the same time heighten their alert lest a sudden collapse should come abruptly. 


7. herald象徵,預告

A bone-chilling winter often heralds a bountiful harvest in the coming year. 



8. hunger 渴望,渴求

This construction project reveals his hunger to equal his work to those of Antonio Gaudi. 


The result of the one-sided election demonstrates that people are hungering for change. 



9. hook 使欲罷不能;使人進入某種狀態

His words are so profound and yet insightful that they often hook us into reflection. 


The moment he tried his hands on gliding, he was hooked. 


10. horizon 視野;眼界

By embracing another language and culture, we will accordingly broaden our horizons and enhance our understanding of the wide world. 


His novel, based on an exotic adventure to a savage world, opened new horizons on humanity and literature. 
