
IELTS- Reading - 完成句子/ 填空題


IELTS- Reading - 完成句子/ 填空題

Sentence Completion  (完成句子/ 填空題) 
→ Complete the sentences below with words taken from the reading passage.   Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.  Write answers in boxes …. on your answer sheet.  
應答時必須判斷答案空格欲填寫之詞性/ 動詞時態/名詞單複數。 人物時間地點或數字是極佳之定位詞將原題中之關鍵詞彙找到回溯至文章所在之位置搜索原意之相關或相近詞或詞組。考生可利用略讀技巧將不必要之訊息忽略如此可迅速就其目的內容於最短時間內標示出利於選填正確答案。


B  We hypothesized initially that the benefit of spices might lie in their anti-microbial properties. Those compounds in spice plants which give them their distinctive flavours probably first evolved to fight enemies such as plant-eating insects, fungi, and bacteria.  Many of the organisms which afflict spice plants attack humans too, in particular the bacteria and fungi that live on and in dead plant and animal matter. So if spices kill these organisms, or inhibit their production of toxins, spice use in food might reduce our own chances of contracting food poisoning.

Questions 1
Answer the questions below with words taken from the passage.         
Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
1. According to the writers, what might the use of spices in cooking help people to avoid?  
1. 根據作者在烹調食物時使用香料可以幫助人們避免什麼? 
關鍵字:use of spices in cooking  /  avoid 
B段落訊息:Many of the organisms which afflict spice plants attack humans too, in particular the bacteria and fungi that live on and in dead plant and animal matter. So if spices kill these organisms, or inhibit their production of toxins, spice use in food might reduce our own chances of contracting food poisoning.
答案為 food poisoning