





1. access/excess: access名詞為「方法,途徑」,excess名詞為「過量」。
ex.The only access to the village is by boat.
ex.Inflation results from an excess of demand over supply.
2. affect/effect: affect動詞語意為「影響」。effect名詞語意為「效果,影響」,但動詞語意為「使…發生, 實現, 完成」。此組單字為學生最常誤用之單字組之一。
ex.It’s a disease that affects mainly older people.
ex.The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on the environment.
ex.Production was halted until repairs could be effected.
3. contract/contrast/contrary: contract名詞為「契約」,動詞為「訂契約; 感染」,contrast名詞或動詞語意為「對比」,contrary為名詞或形容詞,語意為「相反(的)」。
ex.He contracted malaria while he was traveling.
ex.Their economy has expanded, while ours, by/in contrast, has declined.
ex.The crime problem has not disappeared. On the contrary, it seems to be becoming worse again.
4. principle/principal: principle為名詞,語意為「原則」; principal名詞為「校長; 資本,本金」,形容詞為「重要的」。
ex.The organization works on the principle that all members have the same rights.
ex.The principal aim of this meeting is to reach a decision that we all agree on.
ex.She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.
5. immigrate/emigrate: 此兩個單字皆為動詞,語意皆為「移民」,但immigrate為「移入」之移民,emigrate為「移出」之移民。
ex.About 6.6 million people immigrated tothe United States in the 1970s.
ex.My grandparents emigrated from Vietnam to the US in the 1980s.