




1. Accountant(會計師): Look after the finances(財務) in an organization in an office. 
2. Bakers: Bake bread in a bakery.
3. Barbers(理髮師): Shave men's beards and cut men's hair in a barbers. 
4. Barmen/women: Serve drinks in a bar, pub or restaurant. 
5. Chambermaids(房務員): Clean and tidy rooms in a hotel.
6. Cook: Prepare and cook food in a kitchen. 
7. Dentist: Look after people's teeth in a dentist. 
8. Doctors: Look after people's health in a hospital or surgery. 
9. Flight attendants(空服員): Look after passengers in an airplane. 
10. Hair designer: Cut and style people's hair in a hair salon. 
11. Judges: Judge and sentence(判刑) people in a law court.
12. Lawyers:Defend(進行辯護)and prosecute(起訴) people in a law court and in a lawyer’s office. 
13. Nurses: Look after patientsin a hospital or doctor's surgery. 
14. Opticians(眼科醫師): Look after people's eyesin an optician’s. 
15. Porters(行李員): Carry other people's bags and luggage in a hotel or train station. 
16. Receptionists(接待人員): Meet and greet visitors in reception. 
17. Sales Assistants: Sell goods and look after customersin a shop. 
18. Secretaries:Makeappointments, type letters and organize meetings in an office. 
19. Surgeons(外科醫師): Operate(手術)on people who are sick in a hospital. 
20. Tailors(裁縫師): Design, make, alter or repair garments in factories and shops. 
21. Teachers: Teach people in a school. 
22. Technicians(技術人員): Organize and repair technical equipment everywhere! 
23. Vets(獸醫): Look after people's petsin a veterinary surgery or vets. 
24. Waiters/Waitresses: Serve people food and drink in a restaurant. 
25. Welders(焊接工): Weld metal to make things in factories and construction.