精選寫作用字 (字源解析):
1. spect, spic = see, 表示“看”
aspect n方面(a加強意義+spect→看)
We need to approach this issue from a different aspect.
circumspect a 慎重的(circum周遭+spect→看周遭→小心的)
The governor was usually circumspect when dealing with the media.
expect v 期待(ex外+spect→往外看→期待)
The officer expects complete obedience from his troops.
expectation n 期待
The result exceeded all expectations. (=was much better than expected).
expectancy n 殷切期盼
The fans were waiting with an air of expectancy.
life expectancy 壽命
inspect v 檢查,視察(in內+spect→往內看→檢查)
The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
perspective n 觀點,透視畫法(per全部+spect+ive→看到全部→透視)
The novel is written from a child's perspective.
perspicacious a 有洞察力的(per全部+spic+acious…的→全部都看到)
He provided a perspicacious analysis of the problem.
prospect n 前景,展望(pro向前+spect→向前看→前景)
There are good prospects for growth in the retail sector.
respect n v 尊敬(re再+spect→一看再看→尊敬)
We should respect individuality.
respectable a 可敬的
She makes her living in a perfectly respectable trade.
respectful a 充滿敬意的
He is respectful to his elders.
respective a 各自的(re回+spect+ive→回頭看自己→各自的)
All people have their respective duties.
retrospect n v 回顧,回想(retro向後+spect 看→向後看→回顧)
It was, in retrospect, the happiest day of her life.
suspect n 嫌犯 v 懷疑,猜想(sus下面+spect→在下面看→懷疑)
The U.S. suspected Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks.
suspicion n 懷疑
Police suspicions were confirmed when the stolen property was found in his flat.
suspicious a 多疑的,存疑的
She gave him a suspicious glance.
spectacle n 奇觀,場面(spect+acle→看到的東西→奇觀)
The spectacle greatly excited us at the time.
spectacular a 壯觀的(spect+acular…的)
This mountain resort is known for its spectacular view of sunrise.
spectator n 觀眾,旁觀者(spect+ator 人→看的人→觀眾)
The spectators began to disassemble.
speculate v 推測,投機(spec+ulate→看準了→推測,投機)
He speculated that this joint venture might lead to a success.
Some people speculate on the stock market for overnight wealth.
auspice n 吉兆,前兆(au 鳥+spice→看到鳥[喜鵲]→吉兆);贊助
Auspices for the mission seemed favorable.
This concert has been arranged under the auspices of the corporation.
conspicuous a 顯眼的(con共同+spic+uous→大家都看見→顯眼的)
The notice must be displayed in a conspicuous place.
despise v 鄙視(de向下+spise→向下看→鄙視)
He claims to despise riches.
despicable a 可鄙的(de向下+spic+able)
It is despicable to betray one's country.
specimen n 標本
This museum has a wide variety of butterfly specimens.
2. vis, vid = see, 表示“看”
vision n 視力,眼界
Tears blurred her vision.
visible a 看得見的
The comet is visible to the naked eye.
visual a 視覺的
Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
visualize v 想像(visual視覺的+ize→視覺化→想像)
Try to visualize how the house will look when it's finished.
advise v 忠告,勸告(ad使+vis+e使別人看到→勸告)
Let me advise you on technical issues.
revise v 修正,改訂(re再+vis+e→再看一遍→修正)
The college has revised its plans because of local objections.
supervise v 監督(super在上面+vis+e→在上面看→監督)
He makes wine and supervises the vineyards.
evident a 明顯的(e出+vid+ent→看出來了→明顯的)
The public has been fed up with cases of evident injustice.
3. audi, audit = hear, 表示“聽”
audience n 聽眾;觀眾(audi+ence表名詞→聽的人→聽眾)
The audience began clapping and cheering.
auditorium n 禮堂;講堂(audit+orium場所→聽的場所)
The auditorium broke into applause and laughter.
audible a 聽得見的;可聽的(audi+ible 能…的)
His voice was barely audible above the roar of the crowd.
inaudible a 聽不見的(in不+audi+ible)
The little girl dropped her aunt a clumsy courtesy, murmuring an inaudible greeting.
auditory a 聽覺的
Such sound exceeds the limits of the human auditory range.
auditor n. 查帳員;旁聽生
Auditors are encouraged to participate in class discussion.
audio-visual a 視聽的
audio-visual aids / equipment / materials