





1. exempt
a. 使免除義務(兵役、稅務等)
Because of his distinguished achievement, he was exempted from military service during WWII.
b. 閃避、遁逃
I am a lawyer, and my job is to exempt the rich from penalties or indictments.

2. exhibit
a. 展覽、展示
This avant-garde exhibit gives a glimpse into Dali’s mental world.
b. 顯露、顯示
Agreed has been the fact that one’s writing exhibits one’s thinking.

3. explode
a. 爆炸
Up till now, the police are still uncertain why the refinery exploded.
b. 激增、大量出現
In most developing countries, the demands for automobiles and petroleum have exploded.
c. 勃然大怒
Why is the manager exploding over such a trivial matter?

4. façade
a. 建築物之正面
Each and every day, thousands of tourists come to stand awed before the façade of Taj Mahal.
b. 表象、虛偽的外表
Stories and stories have told us that many celebrities do their best to build a façade of dignity behind which actually lie lust and fraud.

5. facility
a. 水電等基本設施
This building features modern facilities that can be initiated by voice instructions.
b. 流暢、熟練
An expert is a person who does a trade with facility and with ease.

6. dive 劇降
After the CEO was charged of embezzlement, the share prices of his telecommunications empire dived to the five-month low.

7. divorce 分開,脫離
Humans are prone to pass judgments without learning what lies behind the appearance. This is why it is difficult to divorce themselves from bias or discrimination.
If you want to master English, you need to first divorce the learning process from words’ literal meanings.

8. dominate壓倒;勝過;支配
Tension dominated the conference room after the debate.
In resource-starved countries like Japan or Singapore, either electronic products or tourism dominates the industry.

9. double 加倍
Whether the reform succeeds or runs headlong into failure, we need to double our effort from now on.
To meet the exploding demands, all employees are asked to double their workload.

10. drag 拖延,累贅
The library’s renovation plan seems to be going nowhere—its construction just drags on and on, year after year.
This dinosaur-sized construction project had long been a drag on the city’s economy.