
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析2


精選寫作用字 - 字源解析2



1. dict, dic = say, assert, 表示“說話,斷言”
dictate  v 口授,命令,聽寫(dict+ate 說話→口授,命令)
The victorious country dictated the terms of peace to the defeated country.
dictator  n 發命令者,獨裁者(dictate+or→發命令者)
Mussolini, Hitler's fellow fascist dictator and partner in aggression, had met his end.
diction  n 措詞,用語(dict+ion名詞→措詞)
Her prose brims with poetic diction.
dictionary  n 字典(diction+ary→措詞的書→字典)
Consult a dictionary when you are uncertain about any word usage.
dictum  n 格言,斷言(dict+um→說出的話→格言)
The dictum "That government is best which governs least" is often attributed toThomas Jefferson.
contradict  v 反駁,與...矛盾(contra反+dict→說反話→反駁)
The two accounts contradict each other.
contradictory  a 矛盾的,對立的
contradictory statements / remarks / facts / statistics
predict  v 預言,預告(pre預先+dict)
Sales were five percent lower than predicted.
indict  v 起訴,控訴
He was later indicted on corruption charges.
abdicate  v 放棄,退位(ab離開+dic說,命令 + ate→不再命令→退位)
The king was forced to abdicate the throne.
dedicate  v 獻身於,致力於(de加強+dic說+ate)
I dedicate this volume to my wife in token of affection and gratitude.
valediction  n 告別演說,告別辭(vale再見+dict +ion →說再見)
She delivered a touching valediction at the graduation ceremony.
verdict  n(陪審團的)裁決(ver真實+dict→說真實話→裁決)
Members of the jury, have you reached your verdict?
2. log, logu = speak, 表示“說話”
logic  n 邏輯(學)(說話的學問→邏輯學)
There's no logic in his argument.
logical  a 有邏輯的
logical analysis / argument / explanation / conclusion
analogy  n 類比(ana一樣+logy→說的一樣→類比)
The author draws analogies between human and animal behavior.
analogous  a 類似的
The company is in a position closely analogous to that of its main rival.
apology  n 道歉(apo 離開+logy→退後一步說→道歉)
I feel I owe you an apology.
catalogue  n 目錄(cata 下面+logue 在下面要說的話→目錄)
This report is filled with an appalling catalogue of errors.
dialogue  n 對話(dia穿越兩者之間+logue)
There is a need for constructive dialogue between leaders.
prologue  n 開場白,序言(pro在前+logue→在前面說)
The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account.
epilogue  n 收場白,結語,後記(epi在後+logue→在後面說)
This striking failure was a disastrous epilogue to his career.
eulogy  n 頌詞,哀悼詞(eu好+logy→說好話)
The author delivered a long eulogy in the funeral.
monologue  n 獨白(mono一個人+logue說→獨白)
Ted ignored the question and carried on with his monologue.
3. vor = eat, 表示"吃"
voracious  a 貪食的(vor+acious多…..的) /  voracity  n
Teenagers can have voracious appetites.
a voracious reader
devour  v 吞吃(de下去+vour [=vor]→吃下去→吞吃)
The raging sea devoured the boat.
herbivorous  a 草食性的(herbi草+vor+ous) /  herbivore  n
Herbivorous animals, such as sheep, have very small canine teeth, or none.
carnivorous  a 肉食性的(carni肉+vor+ous) /  carnivore  n
Among the carnivorous animals are the leopard, lion, and tiger.
omnivorous  a 雜食性的(omni全部+vor+ous→全部都吃→雜食性的)/ omnivore  n
Brown bears are omnivorous, eating anything that they can get their paws on.
insectivorous  a 食蟲的(insect昆蟲+i+vor+ous) /  insectivore  n
An insectivorous plant, also called a carnivorous plant, captures prey items, such as insects and spiders.
4. am, amor, amat = love, 表示“愛,情愛”
拉丁文 amare
amatory  a 戀愛的;色情的(amat+ory→愛的)
The amatory affairs of celebrities never fail to catch people's eyes.
amiable  a 和藹的,友善的(ami+able能…的→能愛的→親切的)
The chauffeur is an amiable young man.
amicable  a 友好的,溫和的(am+ic+able→能愛的→友好的)
The two parties have reached an amicable settlement.
amity  n 友好,和睦(am+ity 狀態→愛的狀態→和睦)
Amity between the two nations will contribute to the prosperity of the region.
enmity  n 敵意,仇恨(en 進去+am+ity→合成enmity,愛太多,由愛生恨)
The wartime enmity of the two nations subsided into mutual trust when peace finally came.
5. vol = will, 表示“意志,意願”
volition  n 意志力,決心(vol+ition)
Everything we do and everything we think is a product of our volition.
benevolent  a 善心的(bene好+vol+ent→好意的) /  benevolence  n
His benevolent nature prevented him from refusing any beggar who accosted him.
malevolent  a 惡意的(male壞+vol+ent→惡意的) /  malevolence  n
Her stare was malevolent, her mouth a thin line.
volunteer  n 志願者,志工  v 自願做(vol+unt+eer人→有意願的人→志願者)
Most of the relief work was done by volunteers.    
voluntary  a 志願的,自願的(volunt+ary)
She does a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross.