





➤ Talk about the weather 談論天氣
1. Beautiful day, isn’t it? 今天天氣真好,對不對? (只需附和對方的看法即可)
2. It looks like it‘s going to rain. 看起來要下雨了。
3. Did you order this sunshine? 是你預訂了陽光明媚的好天氣嗎? (幽默口吻)

➤ Talk about current events 討論時事
1. Did you catch the news today? 你有看今天的新聞嗎?
2. Did you hear about that fire in Vancouver? 你有聽說在溫哥華的那場大火嗎?
3. I heard at the meeting today that JML is closing. 我在今天的會議上聽到JML要結束營業了。

➤ At the office 在辦公室
1. Looking forwardto the weekend? 期待週末嗎? (口語經常有省略,原句應該是Are you looking forward to the weekend?)
2. Have you worked here long? 你在公司很久了嗎?
3. What do you think of the new inventory system? 你覺得新的存貨系統如何? (問對方看法要用What do you think of + N而不是How do you think of+N)
4. You look like you could use a cup of coffee. 你看起來需要一杯咖啡。(could use = need)

➤ At a social event 在社交活動上
1. So, how do you know Justin? 那你是怎麼認識Justin的?
2. Are you enjoying yourself? 今天玩得還開心嗎?
3. Pretty nice place, huh? 很棒的餐廳齁?
4. I love your dress. 我喜歡你的洋裝。(你的洋裝好好看)

➤ Waiting 等候
1. How long have you been waiting? 你等多久了
2. The bus must be running late today. 今天的巴士一定是誤點了。
3. It looks like we are going to be here a while, huh? 看起來還要再等一下齁?