
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析4


精選寫作用字 - 字源解析4



1. terr = fear, 表示“害怕”
terrible  a 可怕的(terr+ible)
A terrible storm sprang up.
terrify  v 恐嚇(terr+ify)
The prospect of nuclear war terrifies the whole world.
terrific  a 極好的(terr+ific帶來→帶來可怕→好到很可怕!→極好的)
The audience was captivated by her terrific performance.
terrorist  n 恐怖分子(terror恐怖+ist表示人)  /  terrorism  n
Twenty people were killed in the latest terrorist attack.
deter  v 嚇住,威懾(de向下+ter)
The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.
deterrent  a 威懾的 n 制止物(deter+r+ent)
the deterrent effect of prison sentences
The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent.
2. tim = fear, 表示“害怕”
timid  a 膽怯的 (= timorous)  /  timidity  n
Being a timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.
intimidate  v 恐嚇,威脅(in使+timid+ate→使人膽小→恐嚇)/  intimidation  n
Attempts to intimidate people into voting for the governing party did not work.

3. horr = fear, 表示“害怕”
horror  n 恐懼
Many people recoil with horror when they see a big spider like this.
horrible  a 可怕的,糟糕的
And now, like a thunderclap, has come this horrible news.
horrify  v 使恐懼
I was horrified at the idea of having to give a speech in front of so many people.
horrific  a 恐怖的 (= horrifying , horrendous)
He stiffened at the horrific sight.

4. phob, phobia = dislike, 表示“厭惡,恐懼”
phobia  n 恐懼症
The phobia may have its root in a childhood trauma.
hydrophobia  n 恐水症,狂犬病(hydro 水+phobia)
Hydrophobia is a morbid dread of water, also named rabies.
acrophobia  n 懼高症(acro 高+phobia)
She has acrophobia and always becomes dizzy in a high-rise elevator.
xenophobia  n 憎恨外國人,仇外情緒(xeno外面+phobia)
The growing number of refugees and migrants is leading to more intolerance and xenophobia in the region.

5. creed, cred = believe, trust, 表示“相信,信任”
creed  n 信條 (= credo)(creed 相信→信條)
"Honesty is the best policy" is his creed in all his business dealings.
credence  n 相信,信用(cred+ence→相信)
The DNA results lend credence to the defendant's claim of innocence.
credit  n 信用,功勞,學分(cred+it 表名詞)
The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborators.
creditable  a 可信的,值得稱讚的(credit 相信+able 能…的)
The young German runner finished a creditable second.
credible  a 可信的,可靠的(cred 相信+ible 能…的)
His excuse is barely credible.
accredit  v 委任,歸功(ac去+credit→給予相信→委任)
He is accredited with the invention of the machine.
discredit  n 不信任,破壞名譽的人[事]  v不信任,懷疑,敗壞...的名聲
His corrupt activities were a discredit to the Senate.
Some of Freud's theories have now been discredited.
credulous  a 輕信他人的,易受騙的  /  credulity  n
Quack doctors charm money out of the pockets of credulous health-hungry citizens.
incredulous  a 不輕信的(in不+credulous輕信的→不輕信的)/  incredulity  n
She shot him an incredulous look.

6. fid = trust, faith, 表示“相信,信念”
拉丁文fidere, fides
fidelity  n 堅貞,忠心,(與原物的)逼真度(fid+elity表示性質)
His fidelity to the company over 25 years has earned him raises and promotions.
hi-fi speakers  (hi-fi = high fideality)
infidelity  n 不信教,(夫妻之間)不貞,不忠實
Marital infidelity is the major cause of most divorces.
confide  v 吐露(con全部+fide→全部相信→吐露真情)
He confided his troubles to a bosom friend.
confidant  n 知心朋友(confide吐露+ant人→可以吐露真情的人)
How can we get a confidant in this snobbish practical society?
confident  a 自信的(con+fid+ent) /  confidence  n
The Prime Minister appeared relaxed and confident of winning an overall majority.
confidential  a 機密的(confident+ial→被相信的人才會知道→機密的)
The information will be regarded as strictly confidential.
diffident  a 自卑的,膽怯的(dif不+fid+ent→不自信)
Helen was diffident and introvert.
perfidy  n 不忠實,背叛(per假+fidy→假相信→不忠誠) /  perfidious  a
As devotion unites lovers,so perfidy estranges friends.
affidavit  n 口供書,宣誓書(af一再+fid+avit表名詞→一再聲明相信→宣誓書)
The affidavit was formally read to the court.

7. lat = bring out, 表示“拿出,帶出”
translate  v 翻譯,轉換(trans轉移+late拿出→轉成其他語言再拿出→翻譯)
Please translate this article from Chinese into English.
It takes determination and all-out efforts to translate ideas into action.
collate  v 校對,核對(col一起+late→[把兩者]放在一起→校對)/ collation  n
Collate a new edition with an earlier one.
elate  v 使興高采烈(e出+late→拿出情緒→高興) /  elated  a
He was elated at the prospect of promotion.
elation  n 興高采烈,得意洋洋(elate+ion)
They were filled with elation and amazement for the results.
dilate  v 膨脹,擴大(di分開+late→帶開→擴大)
Exercise dilates blood vessels on the surface of the brain.
ventilate  v 通風   /  ventilation  n  /  ventilator  n 通風裝置
You can ventilate a room by opening windows.