




Although more and more people read news on the Internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?

Many traditionalists believe that while people have access to the Internet, conventional newspapers will continue as the major source of news. I totally disagree with this view.

The speed and convenience of the Internet in this digital age have led to the increasing popularity of online news. Firstly, the Internet is able to provide up-to-the-minute news as it happens, 24 hours a day every day. As long as I have my smart phone or laptop with me, I can connect almost instantly to the Internet, surf the websites and access the news of my choice across the globe. Secondly, more and more people now have access to the Internet and this trend appears set to continue. The more widespread the accessibility of the Internet, the more people will come to rely on it as their news’ source.

In contrast, newspapers have drawbacks which affect their popularity. One major disincentive of relying on newspapers as a news source is the cost. Competing with freely available news online, newspaper publishers are facing the reality of falling circulation figures. Some major American newspapers have now introduced online versions alongside their printed editions in an attempt to arrest this trend. Another disadvantage of newspapers is the amount of paper consumed in their production. With growing environmental awareness, there is a body of public opinion which rejects buying newspapers because this involves cutting trees and transporting them to paper mills. While this may not be a major factor at present, the environmental argument will almost certainly gain ground in the future.

In conclusion, I would argue that newspapers will continue to decline in importance, and more and more people will use the Internet to access the news.

本題目討論當越來越多人透過網路來取得新聞資訊的同時,傳統報紙是否依然是最重要的新聞資訊來源。在第一段,作者明確表達完全不認同此觀點(I totally disagree with this view)
第三段則說明傳統報紙的缺點將影響報紙的普及性(newspapers have drawbacks which affect their popularity)。第一個主要原因在於相對於網路上可免費取得的新聞來源,報紙之成本為其劣勢之一; 隨著網路新聞的興起,報紙的流通量不斷地在下降中(newspaper publishers are facing the reality of falling circulation figures),美國的報社甚至於除了發行傳統紙本報紙外,亦同時發行電子版本新聞以對抗網路之趨勢。而傳統報紙第二個劣勢在於製作報紙需使用紙張。隨著環保意識的提升(growing environmental awareness),透過砍伐樹木以取得製作紙漿之報紙,勢必受到環保意識之影響而萎縮。