


environmental problems

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 
Environmental problems are so complex that individuals can almost contribute nothing.

     Since the industrial revolution, unfortunately, our natural environment has been ruthlessly ravaged. For instance, the unrestrained use of fossil fuels has generated considerable carbon dioxide emissions, thus leading to the greenhouse effect and eventually undermining the global ecosystem. Although numerous people nowadays have started to show concerns about environmental problems, still some others may consider that individual endeavor can hardly compensates for the irreversible damage. Nonetheless, this negative concept is totally absurd for me in that this irresponsible attitude will do nothing except making it even worse. Therefore, if all citizens can make slight positive contributions like the following, life of earth can be further prolonged.

       Firstly, just as the saying goes, “Many a little makes a mickle.” A large amount of insignificant efforts can collectively exert a substantial impact on environmental protection. For example, if everyone can pay attention to resource recycling and energy conservation in the daily life, the cost and difficulty of saving the planet will be immensely reduced.

Moreover, through nongovernmental organizations such as Greenpeace, the performance of private enterprises and the government will be kept under adequate supervision. In other words, commoners can also guard the globe from destruction despite their lack of expertise and authority.

Last but not least, education plays a pivotal role in instilling environmental awareness into pupils. Accordingly, as long as parents and teachers spend a little time instructing children about the proper notion, they will avoid creating pollution and engage in eco-friendly activities. After all, human selfish and greedy nature is exactly the source of ecological catastrophes.

In a nutshell, as a member of the global village, everyone should renounce the mentality of free-riders, an attitude of enjoying the fruits of others’ labor without any paying, and not underestimate our effectiveness in sheltering this world from ruin. Consequently, for our progeny’s sake, the burden of leaving a clean and inhabitable land for them should be shouldered by everyone.