
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析5


精選寫作用字 - 字源解析5




精選寫作用字 (字源解析) 

1. sens, sent = feel, 表示“感覺”

    拉丁文sentire, sensus
sense  n 感覺,感官,道理

Afterwards I felt a great sense of relief.

It does not make sense to waste your limited energy resisting or fighting the 



sentiment  n 感情(senti+ment→感覺→感情)

Anti-American sentiment is running high in some countries.

sentimental  a 多愁善感的,感傷的(sentiment+al)

She felt a sentimental attachment to the place creep over her.


sensation  n 轟動,知覺

The release of this smartphone has caused quite a sensation.


sensational  a 轟動的,聳動的

Newspapers catch people's eyes by sensational headlines.


sensible  a 能感覺到的,明智的(sens+ible)

It was sensible of you to refuse the proposal.

sensibility  n 敏感性,感情(sensible+ity)

Everything she writes demonstrates the depth of her sensibility.

sensitive  a 敏感的(sens+itive)

Throughout his career he remained very sensitive to criticism.

sensory  a 感覺的,知覺的(sens+ory)

Sensory stimulation is vital in designing courses for young students.

nonsense  n 無意義的話(non 無+sense 感覺,意義→無意義)

He was talking utter nonsense as usual.


consent  n v 同意,答應(con一起+sent→一起感覺→同意)

Silence means consent.

dissent  n v 不同意(dis分開+sent→感覺不合→意見不同)

Voices of dissent are growing louder.

consensus  n 共識(con一起+sens+us→感覺一致)

The EU Council of Finance Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the pace of integration.

resent  v 怨恨(re反+sent→反感→怨恨)  /  resentment  n

The team members resent his bossy manner.



2. path, pass = feeling, suffering, illness, 表示“感情,痛苦,病”

  拉丁文pati, passus
pathos  n 悲哀(path痛苦+os名詞)

The actor injects his customary humor and pathos into the role.

pathetic  a 可憐的(path+etic→引人產生感情→可憐的)

The scolded child looked at his father with a pathetic, doleful expression.


sympathy  n 同情,憐憫(sym一起+pathy→一起有感情→同情)

We feel great sympathy for the flood victims.


sympathize  v 同情,憐憫(sym+path+ize)

We sympathize with the flood victims.


sympathetic  a 同情的,憐憫的(sym+path+etic)

We are sympathetic to the flood victims.

antipathy  n 反感(anti反+path+y→相反的感情→反感) /  antipathetic  a

Corruption and the sluggish economy have aroused a growing antipathy towards 

the government.


apathy  n 冷淡,漠不關心(a無+path+y→無感情) /  apathetic  a 

The anti-nuclear campaign failed because of public apathy.


passion  n 熱情(pass+ion) /  passionate  a

She has a passion for gardening.


dispassionate  a 不動感情的,冷靜的,公平的(dis不+passion+ate)

A journalist should be a disinterested and dispassionate reporter of facts.

compassion  n 同情(com+pass+ion) /  compassionate  a

Philanthropists are always brimming with compassion for the sick and the poor.


impassible  a 無動於衷的(im不+pass+ible)

He was impassible to criticism.



impassive  a 面無表情的(im不+pass+ive)

The defendant remained impassive as the judge sentenced him to death.


pathology  n 病理學(path+o+logy學科→病的學科→病理學)

pathologist  n  /  pathological  a

pathogeny  n 發病原因 (path+o+gen產生+y名詞)
psychopath  n 精神病患(psycho精神+path→精神病患)

psychopathy  n 精神病
electropathy  n 電療法(electro電+pathy→用電治病→電療法)

3. viv, vit, vig = life, 表示“生命”
vivid  a 活潑的,生動的(viv+id)

I have vivid memories of that summer.

vivify  v 給予活力(viv+ify)

A smile can vivify a face.

vivisect  v 活體解剖(vivi+sect 切割→活著切割) /  vivisection  n

Vivisection is performed on living animals for physiological or scientific research.

convivial  a 歡樂的,歡宴的(con一起+viv+ial→一起活躍→歡樂的)

What comes to my mind is the convivial atmosphere at the reunion.

revive  v 復活(re 再+viv+e→復活) /  revival  n 

The government has demonstrated an attempt to revive the steel industry.

survive  v 存活,辛存(sur在下面+viv+e→在事故之下活下來→辛存) /  survival  n 

No crops survived the drought.


vivacious  a 活潑的,有生氣的(viv+acious→多….的→多生命的→活潑的)

The host's vivacious personality lightens the atmosphere at the party.

vitamin  n 維生素(vit+a+min 素→生命要素→維生素)

Lack of vitamin E can cause skin diseases and tiredness.

vital  a 有活力的,重要的(vit+al) /  vitality  n 活力

Perseverance is vital to success.

vitalize  v 賦予生命,使有生命力(vital+ize) /  revitalize  v

Related policies have been formulated to vitalize the local economy.

vitals  n 重要器官,核心(有活力的東西)

It takes a penetrating insight to hit the vitals of an issue.

viable  a (胎兒)能活的,(計劃)可行的(vi+able) /  viability  n 

The committee came forward with one viable solution.

vigor  n 精力 /  vigorous  a 精力旺盛的

He began working with renewed vigor.

invigorate  v 鼓勵(in進去+vigor+ate→注進活力) /  invigorating  a

The leader's words invigorate the team's drooping spirits.

vigilant  a 警惕的(vigil[=vig]+ant→有生命的→警惕的) /  vigilance  n 

Please remain vigilant at all times and report anything suspicious.