





1. hail

a. 冰雹

El Nino has multiplied the chance of seeing untimely hail, which could easily ravage the crops. 


b. 譽為…、讚揚

Roger Federer is hailed as the greatest tennis player ever. 


2. hardy

a. 耐用的 

Are you looking for an exquisite, art-like armchair, or just looking for a hardy piece of furniture? 


b. 堅強的

Military training is meant to transform civilians into soldiers with a hardy body and a hardy mind. 


3. haunt

a. 鬧鬼

Visiting the haunted house gives an interesting share to her experiences. 


b. 使魂縈夢牽、揮之不去

Haunted by guilt, the husband agrees to pay a handsome alimony. 


4. hemorrhage 

a. 失血

Any form of hemorrhage might be a nightmare for the hemophilia patients. 


b. 流失

If a wrong investment is made, it must be quickly brought to a halt as not to further hemorrhage capital. 


5. hike

a. 健行、登高

Across the globe, hiking enjoys unmatched popularity—especially for the elders. 


b. 攀升、增加

The hike of interest rates may curb inflation; yet it might also curb the growth of real estates. 


  1. enjoy 享有;有…的概念

Thanks to this ground-breaking device, the next quarter is expected to enjoy a nearly 18% growth. 


Because this area is blessed with abundant rainwater, the plantation here enjoys a lengthier flowering period. 


  1. enrich 充實;豐富

Studying abroad will for sure enrich our life in terms of experience and expertise. 


Although the story depicts a tale that often provokes a yawn, it is greatly enriched by the writer’s humor and haunting writing.


  1. envelop 包圍;充斥;籠罩

The valley is now enveloped in snow. 


Before the referee announced the final score, the room was enveloped in an anxious expectation. 
