
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析6


精選寫作用字 (字源解析 -- gen, habit) 


精選寫作用字 (字源解析) 

1. gen, gener, genit = birth, produce, 表示“出生,產生”

generate  v 產生,發電(gener+ate→產生[電]等)

Tourism generates considerable profits for local communities.

generation  n 產生,一個世代(generate+ion)

The new generation of smartphones has stirred up a craze in the global market. 

generator  n 發電機,生產者(generate+or→產生[電]的東西→發電機)

The hospital has a backup generator in case there is a power failure.

regenerate  v 再生,重生(re再+generate)

Nerve cells have limited ability to regenerate if destroyed.

general  a 一般的 n 將軍(gener+al)

The president spoke in general terms about greater competitiveness.

generalization  n 歸納,通則化(general+ization)

Under close scrutiny, his argument is merely a sweeping generalization 

    based on speculation.

generous  a 慷慨的,豐富的(gener+ous→不斷產生→豐富的)/ generosity  n 

The earthquake-stricken area has received generous donations from all 


degenerate  v a 墮落,衰退(de壞+gener+ate→往壞產生→墮落) 

Lack of consensus made the conference degenerate into a complete fiasco.


genuine  a 真正的,真誠的(genu+ine)

This medal is made of genuine gold.

genesis  n 起源,創始(gen+esis表名詞,原指《聖經》中的創世紀)

Like many fundamental problems in science, the genesis of earthquakes 

    is controversial.

genetic  a 基因的,遺傳學的(gen+etic)/ genetics  n 遺傳學

Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the 

    effects of freezing.

genus  n屬(gen+us)

kingdom界 / phylum門 / class綱 / order目 / family科 / genus屬 / 


generic  a 一般的,通稱的(gen+eric)

Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music and 


ingenuous  a 天真的,老實的(in內+genu+ous產生自內心→天真的)

She looked at him with an ingenuous smile.


genius  n 天才,天份(geni+us→生出就會→天才)

Thomas Edison was a great genius inventor of the electrical age.

ingenious  a 聰明的,有創造力的(in內+geni+ous天生就有才→聰明的)

Many fish species have ingenious ways of protecting their eggs from predators.

eugenics  n 優生學(eu好+gen+ics→產生好的→優生學)

An example of eugenics would be the attempt to eradicate a harmful recessive gene.

congenial  a 意氣相投的(con一起+gen+ial→產生一起的興趣→意氣相投的)

In this small village he found few people congenial to him.

congenital  a 天生的(con一起+gen+ital→與生俱來→天生的)

He has a congenital heart defect.

progenitor  n 祖先(pro向前+genit+or→向前產生的執行者→祖先)

Schoenberg was a progenitor of modern music.

progeny  n 子孫,後代(pro向前+gen+y→向前產生的結果→子孫)

Genetic characteristics can be passed onto one's progeny.

genial  a 和藹的,愉快的(gen+ial→產生[感情]的→和藹的)

Her genial disposition warms the hearts of people around her.

indigenous  a 土產的,當地的(indi內部+gen+ous→內部產生→土產的)

Blueberries are indigenous to America.

homogeneous  a 同種的,同性質的(homo同+gen+eous)/  homogeneity  n

homogeneous system / product / culture / nature / reaction

heterogeneous  a 不同種的,不同性質的(hetero異+gen+eous) /  heterogeneity  n

heterogeneous system / product / culture / nature / reaction

genre  n 類型,流派(藝術類型)

Rock and roll is a popular genre of music.

genteel  a 高雅的,上流的(gent+eel→出身好的→高雅的,gentle的變體)

She came from a genteel, aristocratic family.

engender  v 產生(en使+gender 產生→使產生)

The meeting engendered several quarrels.


hydrogen  n 氫 (hydro水)

oxygen  n 氧 (oxy氧) 

nitrogen  n 氮 (nitro = nitre 硝酸鈉)



2. habit, hibit = dwell, 表示“拿,擁有,居住”
habit  n 習慣(居住同一個地方→習慣了)

His cocaine habit ruined him physically and financially.

habituate  v 使習慣於(habit習慣+uate)                  

Wealth habituated him to luxury.

habitual  a 習慣性的(habit+ual)

James took his habitual morning walk around the garden.

habitat  n (動植物)居住地,棲息地(habit+at表示地方→住的地方)

The grassland is an important habitat for many wild flowers.

cohabit  v 同居(co一起+habit→一起住一起)  cohabitant  n 同居者

It seems to be a growing trend to cohabit before marriage.

inhabit  v 居住(in裡面+habit→住裡面→居住) inhabitant  n 住戶,居民

This region is primarily inhabited by nomads.

uninhabited  a 杳無人跡的(un無+inhabit居住+ed →無人居住的)

Nothing can be found on this uninhabited island.

exhibit  v 呈現,展示(ex出+hibit→把擁有物拿出→展示)/ exhibition  n

Her paintings have been exhibited all over the country.

inhibit  v 抑制,防止(in內+hibit→把東西拿在手裡→抑制)/ inhibition  n

Low temperatures inhibited bacteria from developing.

prohibit  v (依法律或規定)禁止(pro向前+hibit→禁止)/ prohibition  n
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.