







1. 本季的表現令人失望。

The ___________________of this quarter has been ___________________.


2. 我們的審查會議將每週舉行一次。

Our ___________________meetings will take ___________________every week.


3. 本季銷售業績明顯改善。

This quarter's sales performance ___________________ ___________________.


4. 我們希望下一季能超越本季度的業績。

For next quarter, we are hoping to ___________________this quarter's performance.


5. 為了超越我們的競爭對手,我們必須努力。

In order to ___________________our ___________________, we have to work hard.


6. 我們將繼續專注於主導市場。

We will continue to focus on ___________________the market.


7. 推出後,我們的產品在市場上大受歡迎。

After its ___________________, our product became a ___________________on the market.


8. 我們的市場佔有率從第一名下降到第二名。

Our market ___________________has fallen from first to second ___________________.


9. 研發部要對這次的失敗負責。

The R&D Department has to be ___________________for the ___________________this time.


10. 由於人手不足,我們的產品延遲上市。

Our product was ___________________ ___________________schedule because we were ___________________.


  1. The performance of this quarter has been disappointing.

  2. Our review meetings will take place every week.

  3. This quarter's sales performance improved significantly.

  4. For the next quarter, we are hoping to surpass this quarter's performance.

  5. In order to overtake our competitors, we have to work hard.

  6. We will continue to focus on dominating the market.

  7. After its launch, our product became a hit on the market.

  8. Our market share has fallen from first to second place.

  9. The R&D Department has to be accountable/responsible for the failure this time.

  10. Our product was released/launched behind schedule because we were understaffed.