


❃ 【多益常見混淆字彙】(1 )



【字根概念】”~ fect” – do, make



  1. 影響:The approaching typhoon will affect southern Taiwan.(即將來臨的颱風將會侵襲南台灣。)

  2. (病)感染;侵襲:A high percentage of people in Taiwan are affected by cancer.(在台灣有很高比例的人口罹患癌症。)

  3. 使感動:The novel affected me so much that I can't stop reading it repetitively.(這本小說讓我很感動,以至於我忍不住一再閱讀。)




  1. 結果;效果 + of:A side-effect is any unwanted effect of medicines that you are taking.(副作用是任何您正在服用的藥物所帶來不想要的效果。)

  2. 影響 + on:According to a recent research, video games may have negative effects on the brain.(根據最近的研究顯示,電動遊戲可能對於腦部有負面的影響。)



  1. have a(n) + adj. + effect/impact/influence on sth. 對…有影響

  2. take effect 生效 = go into effect, beV in effect



The official data showed that more than 20,000 people were infected with dengue in Tainan in 2015.(官方資料顯示台南在2015年感染登革熱人數超過兩萬人。)



These toxins can sabotage immune systems, trigger cancers and cause genetic defects.(這些毒物會破壞免疫系統,誘發癌症以及造成基因缺陷。)




1. There are many factors that would ______ our relationships with others. 
(A) effect 
(B) expect 

(C) afford 
(D) affect


2. The movie was the first to show conditions where poor people lived and as such was to _______ future directors. 

(A) influence 

(B) hold 

(C) infect 

(D) show


3. The cut in my arm has healed entirely, without leaving a _______. 

(A) defect 

(C) wound 

(B) sign 

(D) scar



  1. D

  2. A