


❃ 在英國,新的一年做什麼? 


經過了非常有節慶氣息的(festive) 十二月後,英國媒體常常會討論一些新年要做的事,最常見的就是新年新希望 (New Year’s resolution)。

人們不只需要訂下新希望 (make a New Year’s Resolution),還需要保持新年新希望(keep a New Year’s Resolution)。



● Exercise more
Lose weight
Get organized (2022年1-4月雅思口說有類似題目)
Learn a new skill or hobby 
Live life to the fullest
Save more money / spend less money
Quit smoking
Spend more time with family and friends
Travel more
Read more


根據 Statista,英國2022年前八名新年新希望為:

1. To exercise more

2. To eat healthier

3. To lose weight

4. To spend more time with family and friends

5. To live more economically 

6. To cut down on alcohol

7. To spend less time on social media

8. To quit smoking


除了新年新希望,一月也很流行一些活動,像是Dry January 或者  Veganuary。


Dry January 就是一整個月不喝酒的意思。



Veganuary 字面上就是 Vegan + January,劍橋字典的解釋為:an event organized in the month of January each year that encourages people to eat vegan food and use vegan products (= not consisting of or containing animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese, or leather)


近幾年由於環保意識與動物保育觀念興起,英國素食(vegetarian)甚至純素 (vegan)人數增加許多。要在超市買到純素食品,也非常容易。