


❃ 英文中的法文字 



許多的外文字,已融入英文母語者的日常生活中。其中,有些單字的發音與拼法對英文學習者來說有些困難的,多半源自於法文。現在學習者可以透過線上字典、甚至 YouTube 學習唸法。至於要偏向英文的唸法,或是法文唸法,就由學習者自行決定了。

1. fiancé/fiancée: n. 未婚夫/妻


2. déjà vu: n. [U] 似曾經歷過的感覺;似曾相識的感覺

déjà vu 在英文中當不可數名詞使用,但在法文中其實 déjà 是副詞,合在一起則是已經看過的意思。只是在英文中,被用為名詞。英文解釋:the strange feeling that in some way you have already experienced what is happening now


例: When I met her, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu. 我遇見她時有一種似曾相識的感覺。


許多的英文歌,也都用 déjà vu 當歌名。


3. façade: n. (尤指大型建築物或外型美觀的建築物的) 正面; 假像,虛假的外表

例:He kept his hostility hidden behind a friendly façade. 他把敵意藏在友好的面孔後面。


4. naive/naïve: adj. 輕信的;天真的;幼稚的

英文解釋:too willing to believe that someone is telling the truth, that people's intentions in general are good, or that life is simple and fair. People are often naive because they are young and/or have not had much experience of life


例: It was a little naive of you to think that they would listen to your suggestions. 以為他們會聽從你的建議,你真是有點天真。


5. cliché: n. 老套的話,陳腔濫調,老生常談


例:My wedding day - and I know it's a cliché - was just the happiest day of my life. 我結婚那天——我知道這是老生常談——是我一生中最幸福的一天。


6. touché: 說得好,一針見血(表示承認辯論對手論點有力)

英文解釋:used to admit that someone has made a good point against you in an argument or discussion



        Andy: ”You say we should support British industries, but you always drink French wines." 

       Billy: ”Touché.” 

