


❃ something用法-2 

寫作或口說時避免不了會使用到的something用法Part II

現在就撇開其基本意義,淺談以下常見的幾種習慣用法之Part 2。

五、 something 還有時後接形容詞做修飾語。做“有些”、“似乎”解。如:

(1) He was something unhappy 。 ——他當時似乎有點不高興。
(2) She is something better today 。 ——她今天似乎好些了

六、something in one 指人的情緒、表情、神態等。如:

(1) Something in her was hostile to some religion, as to someone 。 ——她對某宗教有些敵對情緒,如同對某人一樣。
(2) Only something in her was manner prevented her husband from going out that evening 。 ——只是她舉止有點異常,才阻止了她丈夫那天晚上的外出。

七、something tells sb. 意思是好像感覺到,似乎意識到或知道。如:

(1) Something tells me that the young man is a thief 。 ——我似乎感覺到那個年輕人是小偷。
(2) Something tells me this 。 ——我似乎知道這點。
(3) Something told him that the accident would happen 。 ——他好像意識到了那場事故會發生。

八、have something going for one 表示某人有某種做事的條件,如能力、天資、容貌等。如:

(1) John’s got something for him 。 He would succeed in tackling the problem 。 ——約翰身具才能,他會成功地處理好這個問題。
(2) Jenny has something going for her , she will surely gain love of a young man 。 ——珍妮長的很漂亮,她一定會贏得年輕人的愛慕。

九、make something of 找碴……如:

(1) He made something of what the worker said to fire him 。 ——他以那工人說的話為藉口,把他解雇了。
(2) Tom accidentally shoved Bob in the doorway and Bob made something of it 。 ——湯姆偶然在門口碰到了Bob,而Bob便以此找碴。


十、start something 指無中生有地找碴,與人打架吵嘴。如:

(1) That boy is always starting something 。 ——那孩子總是惹是生非。
(2) He started something but I made no reply 。 ——他找碴,可是我沒理他。

十一、have something on sb. 手中有某人的把柄。如:

(1) He dare not have words with me because I have something on him 。 ——他不敢與我吵嘴,因為我手裏抓著他的把柄。