
精選寫作用字 - 字源解析7


❃ 精選寫作用字 (字源解析 -- cap, capt, cept ,ceive) 


精選寫作用字 (字源解析) 


1. cap, capt, cept ,ceive, cip, cup = take, hold, seize, 



accept  v 接受(ac去,cept拿)

No scientific theory has been accepted without opposition.

capacity  n 容量,才能(cap+acity→拿住的能力→容量,才能)

The auditorium has a seating capacity of 800.

capacious  a 寬闊的,容積大的

Its capacious interior provides room enough for the enormous art collection.

incapacitate  v 使無能力(in無+capacit 能力+ate→使無能力)

His illness incapacitated him for work.

caption  n v 標題,字幕(cap+抓+ion 抓住主要內容→標題)

The caricature is captioned with humorous texts.

capture  v 逮捕,捕抓

These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century.


captive  n 俘虜

Hundreds of soldiers were held captives during the raid.

He became captive to her charms.


captivate  v 使著迷(captive+ate→使成為俘虜→使著迷)

For 40 years she has captivated the world with her radiant looks.

captious  a 挑剔的,吹毛求疵的(capt+i+ous→抓住毛病→挑剔的)

While consumers are growing captious about exterior designs, greater attention has been directed to product packaging.

deceive  v 欺騙(de壞+cept→拿壞的東西來→欺騙)

Fraudulent ads deceive consumers into sending in money.

deceptive  a 欺騙的

Appearance can be deceptive and misleading.



inception  n 開始,開端(in進去+cept拿+ion→拿進去→開始)

The development of food and agriculture has been an important objective of the World Bank since its inception.


incipient  a 開始的,初期的(in進去+cipi抓+ent→開始抓→開始的)

Sound and timely policies have contributed to an incipient economic recovery.

intercept  v 攔截,阻止(inter在…中間+cept拿住→攔截)

The police successfully intercepted drugs being smuggled over the border.

precept  n 戒律,教訓(pre事先+cept拿→事先就拿來遵守→戒律)

Example is better than precept. (諺)身教勝於言教

receptacle  n 容器(re再+cept拿+acle物品→可再拿東西的物品→容器)

Please put your cigarette ends into the receptacle provided.

except  prep 除外(ex出→cept拿→拿出)

I can resist everything except temptation.


exception  n 例外

There are exceptions to every rule.

exceptional  a 例外的,傑出的

Everyone was impressed by the little boy's exceptional bravery.

susceptible  a 易受影響的(sus向下+cept拿+ible)

Older people are more susceptible to infections.

conceive  v 構想,懷孕(con一起+ceive拿→概念放在一起→構想)

Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930's.

conceivable  a 可想像的

It is advisable to brainstorm and approach an issue from every conceivable angle.


concept  n 概念

The concept of CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact on society.

perceive  v 察覺,理解(per穿越+ceive拿→一切都在掌握之中→察覺,理解)

Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures.

receive  v 接受,收到(re往回+ceive 拿→收到)

They will be entitled to receive unemployment benefit.


receipt  n 收到,收據

A signed invoice presumes receipt of the shipment.

recipient  n 接受者 (=receiver)

Names of prize recipients were listed on the notice.

conceit  n 自豪,自大  /  conceited  a

Conceit is the enemy of progress.

anticipate  v 預料,預期(ante前+cip抓+ate→前面一開始就抓→預料)

It is anticipated that the research will have many different practical applications.

emancipate   v 解放(e出去+man手+cip拿+ate→用手拿出去→解放)

The dictatorial government was overthrown and the people were emancipated from tyranny.

municipal  a 市政的(muni服務+cip拿+al)市政的

municipal government / library / administration

participate  v 參與(part部分+cip拿+ate→參一腳→參與) 

participant  n 參與者(ant人)

All students are expected to actively participate in class discussions.


principal  a 主要的,首要的 n 校長,首長(prin主要的+cip+al)

Translating is his principal source of income.

occupy  v 佔領,使用(oc去+cupy 抓→抓住地盤→佔領)

occupant  n 佔有者(ant人)
occupation  n 佔有,職業

Only six percent of police time is occupied with criminal incidents.

Please state your name, address and occupation.

preoccupied   a 全神貫注的  /  preoccupation  n 

She's completely preoccupied with all the wedding preparations at the moment.