


❃ 托福寫作經典題範文 8 

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  Grades encourage students to learn.

  Being given grades is a common experience among most students. It is a direct method to evaluate our learning efficiencies. However, the effect of grading students has brought a heated debate. In my personal opinion, I refute the argument that grades motivate students' learning.

  First, students can be discouraged by the incomprehensive assessment of grading. To be thoroughly evaluated, we should not only focus on the explicit achievement. The effort one devotes to his studies must also be counted. However, when a person’s diligence is not recognized, he can easily be disheartened and lose his motivation for learning. For example, a student who always receives a medium grade after putting great efforts may give up trying if receiving a poor score someday. Therefore, utilizing grades as a stimulus to learning is not sensible. 

  Second, grading can be subjective. Hence, it’s not utterly reliable. It is often heard that standards set by different teachers influence students’ reaction. Some will wisely cater to the teacher’s favor and attain towering scores while others may stick to their own ways of learning. To cite our class as an instance, part of the students revise their essays in order to fit in the teacher’s interest. However, they are not speaking for their minds. Ironically, these students usually receive better grades than others who always deliver their unique heart-felt opinions. Therefore, grading students will not be absolutely fair and it isn’t an ideal way to encourage learning. 

  Third, learning shouldn’t be stimulated by grading at all. The main purpose of learning is to pursue knowledge in a vast array of disciplines. Never should we be puppets under the control of grades and fame. That is, the yearning for explicit glories will be surpassed by implicit momentum of learning. Nevertheless, the grading system nowadays is diametrically opposed to this ideal. Therefore, teachers should dedicate themselves to stimulating the positive intentions of learning.

  In a nutshell, applying grading to spur students’ learning is not an advisable method. Studying is a journey that shouldn’t end with the evaluation of schoolwork. Hence, let go of grades and relish the genuine delight of acquiring knowledge.