


❃ 托福寫作經典題範文 9 

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?  Governments should spend more money in developing Internet access instead of public transportation.


  Just as public transportation facilitates our communication networks, so does the Internet speed up the pace of our life. Whether it is essential or not for governments to inject much more financial resources into developing Internet facilities or public transit has been a topic of fierce debate. Personally, I concur with making a large investment in the Internet for the following reasons.

  To begin with, we are living in an era of information explosion. As the world around us is changing at every instant, so is the knowledge in all subject fields growing and evolving at an alarming rate. Surfing the Net enables us to keep our knowledge updated easily and avoid lagging behind the times. To illustrate, everyone can access not only news websites for prompt feeds of the latest current events, but also online encyclopedias for further in-depth knowledge.

  Aside from a wealth of information, the Internet provides people with limitless opportunities for self-enhancement. When encountering any unfamiliar subjects or issues, the Internet is invariably the most available source of information to enrich our knowledge and broaden our horizons. For example, Jim, one of my managers, once told me that he is really addicted to browsing through webpages to enhance his understanding of the current events and the latest debated issues. He also utilizes his spare time to attend online courses and collect relevant details on the Net. Obviously, he can keep abreast of the latest scientific discoveries and the information is far more up-to-date than traditional classes. After Internet access has become widely advanced, everyone can absorb abundant knowledge in all domains promptly.

  Compared with public transportation, the construction of Internet apparatus is highly cost-effective. Constructing public infrastructure requires comparatively huge sums of money, human resources and more related facilities than the Internet. On the other hand, Internet access entails only a few computers, servers and technicians to create valuable innovation in this flourishing industry and bring immense benefits to society.

  To sum up, it is advisable to conclude that governments should channel more funds into Internet construction owing to information explosion, self-improvement and higher cost-effectiveness. The salient merits of upgrading Internet access definitely deserve our attention and practical action.