


❃ 英文單字一字多義分析11 




1. multiply 

a. 加乘

Taiwan’s school kids are early exposed to the basic mathematical skills of how to add, subtract, multiply and divide numbers. 


b. 增加、倍增

The advent of this ingenious product has multiplied our sales performance to an unprecedented degree. 


2. neutralize

a. 中和物質之酸鹼性

Rainwater must first be neutralized, sterilized, and distilled before it becomes potable. 


b. 減輕、消除

Music is able to neutralize fatigue, kill pain, and elevate the spirit. 


3. novel 

a. 小說

Good novels mirror life. 


b. 新奇的、新穎的

At present, human-cloning or space-travel are no longer novel ideas. 


4. nurture

a. 給予養分、滋養

Our next mission is figuring out how to nurture necessary crops in an inhospitable environment. 


b. 形成、造成

Racial difference inevitably nurtures racial discrimination. 


5. object

a. 物品

Almost every female in the Islamic world is treated as an object belonging to her husband.


b. 反對

The locals strongly object to the new city development plan. 


6. harbor 懷抱;擁有;懷有某種情緒

Let us create a good work team where everybody can harbor hope and optimism. 


If this act on marriage is legalized, the females will harbor more equality and welfare.


7. harness 駕馭

Since the dawn of technology, human beings have been bettering their abilities to harness the powers of nature. 


8. haunt 揮之不去;縈繞心頭

In life, we all have come to some moments or decisions that will haunt us for a long time. 


The sights and sounds in childhood are always memorable. The bitter smiles, the happy tears, those whom we left or those who left us would return to haunt us in our deepest thoughts. 



9. hazy 模糊的;粗淺的

So far we only have a hazy picture of earthquake prevention. 


10. heat up 增溫,白熱化

As the competition for election is heating up, rumors of vote-buying are also on the rise. 
