
Scone 司康怎麼吃


❃ Scone 司康怎麼吃 


cream tea 主要由 scone(司康), jam (果醬) and clotted cream (凝脂奶油) 加上一壺茶組成。

在英國,scone 的吃法,主要分成兩派: Cornwall & Devon 

從11世紀以來,到底 jam or cream first 一直都無法定案。Cornwall 派先放果醬才塗上凝脂奶油,Devon派先塗凝脂奶油再塗上果醬。

Cream tea (also known as high tea) has been served in the UK since the 11th century and arguments over its signature dish – scones – have ensued ever since. What topping goes first: jam or cream? The two English counties famous for cream teas are Cornwall and Devon, and they differ on order. Cornish cream tea will do jam then cream, Devonians do it the other way around.


2018年,白金漢宮的御用大廚 Darren McGrady 透露了伊莉莎白二世女王偏好的吃法—jam first。

近幾年 scone 在台灣的受歡迎程度越來越高,但吃法也是各異。傳統上,在英國購買 scone,價格裡本來就會包含果醬和凝脂奶油。一般英國人在食用時,也是塗上厚厚的果醬與凝脂奶油,而非鮮奶油。

根據wikipedia的解釋 clotted cream: 



至於 scone 要怎麼吃呢? 根據英國知名禮儀(etiquette)專家 William Hanson:

“We don’t use a knife to cut into scones. We break them with out hands into two.”

“NEVER sandwich the two together and eat it as a whole.” 



目前台灣有提供 clotted cream 的店家仍屬少數,有機會吃到的話,大家就不要管熱量了,勇敢地抹上厚厚的 jam & clotted cream,好好享受吧!