


課程特色 :













✿ 戴爾美語名師團隊將字彙與文法,透過系統性分類整理,歸納出最適合記憶的學習方式,更利用圖像式學習,讓文法架構更具理解性;透過同義詞、相似字、字源學等單字記憶法,輕鬆快速擴充字彙數量。


✿ 在閱讀課程的訓練中,會同時加強歷屆考試的高頻率考古單字,以及閱讀理解能力。透過各式文章,加強同學文章分析判斷與整合能力,經由大量練習,更可以熟悉的運用答題技巧,在短時間內快速又正確的從容答題。


✿ 在數學考科的完整訓練中,老師整理出全面性的數學詞彙及所有必考題型,讓同學在考試時可以獨立理解看懂問題。在課程中,更完整的加強同學解題運算能力,透過各式題型總整理,讓同學可以掌握各式題型解題技巧,有效運用計算機快速正確答題。


✿ 科學領域課程中,老師完整的整理出自然科學相關的重要觀念,以及建立學科邏輯思維,不論是圖表分析或是數據比較,皆能快速理解並針對答題關鍵下手,更透過各式考點解析,熟悉各項重點題型,在考試時皆能輕鬆完成解題與答題。


✿ 寫作能力的訓練中,會有紮實的文法觀念強化以及寫作架構建立,訓練學生在閱讀完文章題意後,可以完整理解並獨立思考問題,透過各式文章的練習,建立良好的寫作邏輯思維,在課後老師親自批改同學寫作,更能快速找出寫作痛點,快速提升綜合寫作能力。




I grew up with buckets, shovels, and nets waiting by the back door;1 hip-waders hanging in the closet; tide table charts covering the refrigerator door; and a microscope was sitting2 on the kitchen table. Having studied, my mother is3 a marine biologist. Our household might have been described as uncooperative.4 Our meals weren’t always served in the expected order of breakfast, lunch, and supper.
Everything was subservient to the disposal of5 the tides. When the tide was low, Mom could be found down on the mudflats. When the tide was high, she would be standing on the inlet bridge with her plankton net. 

1. Choose the best answer.
(B) waiting, by the back door, 
(C) waiting by the back door, 
(D) waiting by the back door 

The best answer is (A).
選項 (B)(C)(D) 無法形成平行結構,因標點符號錯置。

2. Choose the best answer.
(F) would sit 
(G) sitting 
(H) sat 

The best answer is (G).

3. Choose the best answer.
B. As my mother’s interest is science, she is 
C. My mother’s occupation is that of 
D. My mother is 

The best answer is (D).
考點句子簡單式,選項 (D)句型簡潔清楚,符合 clear 原則。
選項 (B)不需另外用 As 表示因果連接兩個句型。
選項 (C )that of 會造成句子累贅問題。

4. Which choice would most effectively introduce the rest of this paragraph? 
(F)There seemed to be no explanation for why Mom ran our household the way she did. 
(G) Our household didn’t run according to a typical schedule. 
(H) Mom ran our household in a most spectacular manner. 

The best answer is (G).
"Our meals weren’t always served in the expected order of breakfast, lunch, and supper"此句話得知,the household 不會依照一般日常作息活動,而是照海水潮汐(tide),選項 (G)符合。
5. Choose the best answer. 
B. was defenseless in the face of 
C. depended on 
D. trusted in 

The best answer is (C).
"Everything depended on the tides"選項(C)句型簡潔清楚,符合 clear 原則。

Personality Disorders
        How should the law treat a mentally disturbed person who commits a criminal offense? Should individuals whose mental faculties are impaired be held responsible for their actions? These questions are of concern to social scientists, to members of the legal profession, and to individuals who work with criminal offenders.
        Over the centuries, an important part of Western law has been the concept that a civilized society should not punish a person who is mentally incapable of controlling his or her conduct. In 1724, an English court maintained that a man was not responsible for an act if“he doth not know what he is doing, no more than . . . a wild beast.” Modern standards of legal responsibility, however, have been based on the McNaghten decision of 1843. McNaghten, a Scotsman, suffered the paranoid delusion that he was being persecuted by the English prime minister, Sir Robert Peel. In an attempt to kill Peel, he mistakenly shot Peel’s secretary. Everyone involved in the trial was convinced by McNaghten’s senseless ramblings that he was insane. He was judged not responsible by reason of insanity and sent to a mental hospital, where he remained until his death. But Queen Victoria was not pleased with the verdict—apparently she felt that political assassinations should not be taken lightly—and called on the House of Lords to review the decision. The decision was upheld and rules for the legal definition of insanity were put into writing. The McNaghten Rule states that a defendant may be found “not guilty by reason of insanity” only if he were so severely disturbed at the time of his act that he did not know what he was doing, or that if he did know what he was doing, he did not know it was wrong.
        The McNaghten Rule was adopted in the United States, and the distinction of knowing right from wrong remained the basis of most decisions of legal insanity for over a century. Some states added to their statutes the doctrine of “irresistible impulse,” which recognizes that some mentally ill individuals may respond correctly when asked if a particular act is morally right or wrong but still be unable to control their behavior.
        During the 1970s, a number of state and federal courts adopted a broader legal definition of insanity proposed by the American Law Institute, which states:“A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law.” The word substantial suggests that “any” incapacity is not enough to avoid criminal responsibility but that “total” incapacity is not required either. The use of the word appreciate rather than know implies that intellectual awareness of right or wrong is not enough; individuals must have some understanding of the moral or legal consequences of their behavior before they can be held criminally responsible.
        The problem of legal responsibility in the case of mentally disordered individuals is currently a topic of intense debate, and a number of legal and mental health professionals have recommended abolishing the insanity plea as a defense. The reasons for this recommendation are varied. Many experts believe that the current courtroom procedures—in which psychiatrists and psychologists for the prosecution and the defense present contradictory evidence as to the defendant’s mental state—are confusing to the jury and do little to help the cause of justice. Some also argue that the abuse of the insanity plea by clever lawyers has allowed too many criminals to escape conviction. Others claim that acquittal by reason of insanity often leads to a worse punishment (an indeterminate sentence to an institution for the criminally insane that may confine a person for life) than being convicted and sent to prison (with the possibility of parole in a few years).
        Despite the current controversy, actual cases of acquittal by reason of insanity are quite rare. Jurors seem reluctant to believe that people are not morally responsible for their acts, and lawyers, knowing that an insanity plea is apt to fail, tend to use it only as a last resort. In California in 1980, only 259 defendants (out of approximately 52,000) were successful in pleading not guilty by reason of insanity.

1. One of the author’s main points about the legal concept of responsibility in the passage is that: 
(A) the phrase “not guilty by reason of insanity” has made our legal system more efficient.
(B) responsibility and guilt are legal concepts, and their meanings can be modified 
(C) knowing right from wrong is a simple matter of admitting the truth to oneself. 
(D) people can become severely disturbed without a word of warning to anyone. 

The best answer is (B).
定位點由第二段得知 McNaghten Rule 與第四、五段得知 During the 1970s, a number of state and federal courts adopted a broader legal definition of insanity proposed by the American Law Institute, which states:“A person is not responsible for criminal conduct if at the time of such conduct, as a result of mental disease or defect, he lacks substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his 50conduct to the requirements of the law.

2. Based on the passage, the primary purpose for the 1970s redefinition of insanity proposed by the American Law Institute was to: 
(E) eliminate the insanity defense from American courtrooms. 
(F) more precisely define the concepts of responsibility and intellectual capacity.
(G) redefine legal insanity so that it might include as many criminals as possible. 
(H) apply the McNaghten Rule only to trials involving cases of mistaken identity. 

The best answer is (F).
定位點(43-59 句)1970 年重新定義 sanity 更詳細說明 when "a person is not responsible for criminal conduct 與 a person must have "substantial capacity either to appreciate the wrongfulness of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law." 

3. From information in the third and fourth paragraphs (lines 35–58) it can reasonably be inferred that the legal definition of insanity was changed in the 1970s after:
(A) federal courts won a dispute with state courts over a proposal made by the American Law Institute. 
(B) the doctrine of ―irresistible impulse‖ was found to contradict accepted notions of justice. 
(C) proponents of the McNaghten Rule had been using the insanity defense in far too many murder trials. 
(D) several courts found that justice was not always best served when the McNaghten Rule was applied.

The best answer is (D).
考點第三、四段 Some states added to their statutes the doctrine of 'irresistible impulse,'" (lines 38-39), and later "a number of state and federal courts adopted a broader legal definition of insanity" 由此兩句話可推論出 the original McNaghten Rule 並不適用

4. According to the explanation provided in the fourth paragraph (lines 43–58), use of the word appreciate in the phrase ―to appreciate the wrongfulness‖ (lines 48–49) instead of know implies which of the following? 
(E) The difference between right and wrong is something people feel rather than know, which makes deciding legal responsibility difficult. 
(F) To know implies certainty, and distinguishing right from wrong is often a subjective matter in determining legal responsibility.
(G) The word appreciate suggests that an action and that action’s implications must be understood for there to be legal responsibility. 
(H) An insane person would ―know‖ something the way a sane person would ―know‖ something, and be able to appreciate that knowledge, too

The best answer is (G).
定位點(53-58 句) The use of the word appreciate rather than know implies that intellectual awareness of right or wrong is not enough; individuals must have some understanding of the moral or legal consequences of their behavior before they can be held criminally responsible.
解釋在犯罪前,一般犯罪者是有基本道德 與法律觀念

5. The passage indicates that the McNaghten case became the basis for future decisions about legal insanity because: 
(A) the House of Lords upheld the verdict of the court despite considerable political pressure. 
(B) there had been an increase in cases of murder involving mistaken identity arising from delusions. 
(C) McNaghten was unable to convince the jury at his trial that he was incoherent and insane. 
(D) McNaghten used a gun to commit murder, thus aggravating the crime in the jury’s mind. 

The best answer is (A).
定位點(24-29 句) But Queen Victoria was not pleased with the verdict— apparently she felt that political assassinations should not be taken lightly—and called on the House of Lords to review the decision. The decision was upheld and rules for the legal definition of insanity were put into writing.
意指 the House of Lord 支持法院的說詞,雖然受到 Queen Victoria 之政治壓力

(題目來源:ACT Official公開資訊)


戴爾美語身經百戰的台、美、中名師教學團隊,學經歷俱優,尤其親赴考場實戰掌握各項測驗命題趨勢,取得最新、最即時的全真試題。同時,更創下全國最高分紀錄:劉老師3次iBT托福120滿分紀錄、Rita胡老師取得CBT電腦托福300滿分紀錄、Tommy余老師取得iBT托福118分、Len老師13次多益990滿分、以及外籍托福及雅思口試官滿分名師Max老師…等數十位名師教學團隊,實力陣容堅強。近期戴爾美語更是獨家取得美國測驗官方資源符合CEFR的AI智能化聽、說、讀、寫、字彙、文法、即時寫作批改、隨時練習口說等結合尖端技術與豐富學習內容的高效能AI DELTA英語學習平台。再加上創新開發功能強大的APP學習歷程與管理系統,即時拉近老師、學員、以及公司的距離,讓學習更有效率。凡是加入戴爾美語,我們不僅快速帶領學員達成理想考試高分成績,更教你熟練運用英文聽、說、讀、寫能力於日常生活、職場就業、甚至於海外求學。





  • 分數:7.5分
  • 資歷:中央大學
  • 簡述:首先先謝謝戴爾中壢分校的老師,老師每個禮拜都提供非常充實的三小時課程,每次上完課,手都抄筆記抄的超級痠,回去複習得時候都有自己的英文能力更上一層樓的感覺。


  • 分數:中高級
  • 資歷:台南市德光中學
  • 簡述:等到學測考完後,我應該還是會再次回到戴爾上英文課,不管是多益或是托福都想要嘗試看看,因為相信自己就一定能做到!


  • 分數:112分
  • 資歷:中山醫學大學
  • 簡述:只要放輕鬆然後好好應用老師們上課時所提到的答題技巧或是準備方法,然後在日常生活中注意聽注意看,找個夥伴一起練練口說,很快就能掌握托福考試的重點,在考試時拿到自己想要的成績。


  • 分數:960分
  • 資歷:交通大學
  • 簡述:戴爾美語還另外提供了多益的模擬測驗,真實仿照考試時的狀況,不僅讓我們能有大量練習的機會,也使得我們在考試時間壓力下可以保持冷靜,輕鬆面對各種突發狀況。